
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Snip, Snip, Hum, Hum

This year for my eager-to-learn-to-sew niece, I thought that the super cute and super sweet "Modkid" dolls from Patty Young, would be a great beginners project and birthday present for her. Little did I know that it was perhaps not the best thing for an eight year old "rookie" to start off with, but thank goodness Grandma came through.

It really was so sweet that my niece's first thought was to give one to her younger sister and the other to her best friend. But after all the sewing and stuffing, they were left a little "bare", one could say. So, I decided that every girl needs a pretty dress to make her feel good about herself. A few scraps, snip, snip, humm, hummm, and tadahh! Two reversible dresses for their newest friends.

Oh, what fun! Now, what beats having one beautiful dress to make a gal feel good?....TWO!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


We've had the most beautiful fall weather these past days... beautiful enough to spend several hours outside soaking up as much sun as possible before the deep hibernation cold of winter sets in. I love the smell of fall air... there is just such an earthy freshness about it.

Visiting friends and family has kept us on the road and our time over the last weeks has consisted of not much more than chatter, catching up, and keeping one's belly pleasantly full. There are some people that no matter how long it has been since you saw them last, you seem to pick up where you last left off... true kindred spirts.

I have the feeling that the little guy wakes up each morning with an eagerness and energy of what new thing he will discover for the day... things that I know and overlook as everyday things, but that he finds absolutely fascinating. I think that the outdoors is truly his element.

It has been a slowing down has refreshed and renewed my spirit... something that I've needed for quite some time.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Celebrate Good Times (and a Giveaway)

November is a really big month for me as far as celebrating things...

Just a few days ago I was looking for post that I had written
a really long time ago. After I had found it, I happened to glace down at the date and then it hit me... I am now two years old! (in blog years at least) I guess it never really dawned on me how long I've been at it.

... and it was also in November, just four short years ago, that I left everything that I once knew as home and said "yes" not only to my husband, but to Deutschland as well. Some days have seemed longer than others, but the years have seemed to have flown by.

... and let's not forget about the "tastiest" celebration of the month... the ever loved, ever talked about "Turkey Day"... oh, my. There's just so MUCH to be thankful about!

... so, in celebration of celebrating things, do you think that you might find reason to celebrate with these babies hangin' in your ears?

Just tell me about one of your birthday celebrations, an anniversay memory (of any kind), or your favorite holiday celebration (Oh, please in German too... that is if you can speak German) and these just might land in your mailbox (start the celebration dancing now!) I'll announce the winner December 6th!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Mission Accomplished

Do you remember this...
Well, it appears as if it was a big hit with the intended recipient...

As all critics know, the ultimate test is if it tastes good, then it must be really good...

Here's to exploring ALL the senses.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Think I'm Being Followed

Who are you following? How do you pick who you "follow" in the blogging world?

... are you spontaneous and if you see a blog you like you add it to your list immediately?... or do you hang around a bit to wait and see if week after week they write about things you like and things that speak to you?

Are you a silent follower and linger unnoticed or do you let the person that is "speaking to you" know that they are? Do you just "pop in" on your favorite blogs and drink in a little inspiration from photos that are just like eye-candy or do you draw your inspiration from the written word?

How often do you find yourself thinking that the blog you started following is no longer going the direction you thought it was when you first started reading? Do you "expect" updates on a regular basis, only quickly to delete it when they do not come often enough?

Do you mainly follow the "popular" blogs, commenting often to get your own blog recognized? Or do you search for those who you really identify with... maybe those who you consider to be a lot like you?

... so if you happen to be "tuning in", I would simply love to know.