
Monday, March 23, 2009

Just Another Day

Last year I went with my husband's grandmother to a very well known artist town/community not far from my husband's hometown called Worpswede. Around the turn of the century several well known artists lived in the area and many painters works were inspired by everyday life in the region. To remember our trip I picked up this post card from Heinrich Vogeler (1903) I couldn't resist this sweet little calendar flower girl from my favorite month, certainly receiving compliments from the gentleman wishing to have her affections.

On another note, this is the perfect picture to celebrate this special day for me... I can't help hoping that I will hear this song today, but it will have to remain my little secret just how many years I have been 29.


  1. Happy "29" birthday!
    Hope you have a nice one!

  2. Buon Compleanno! Happy Birthday! Herzlichen Glueckwuensche zum Geburtstag....!

    you know i love Warps....oops Worpswede :) The "cartolina" is lovely indeed.

    How was your Austellung?

  3. Got the most beautiful wallet today and guess waht: the jumping started again.
    Thank you so much!

  4. Love you're comments! The idea of me being mistaken for the Osterhase made me laugh out loud.

    The tablecloth your husband's grandmother gave to you is a very special gift. It is very personal and definitly shows her affection towards you. I guess she knew that you would handle it with respect as you are conscious of the history.

    Hope you have a nice evening!

  5. Herzlichen Glückwunsch auch von mir -
    Heute kann es regnen, stürmen oder schneien,
    denn du strahlst ja selber wie der Sonnenschein,
    heute wird gefeiert, dass die Schwarte kracht,
    heute wird getanzt, gesungen und gelacht...

    Alles Gute für dein neues Lebenjahr!

    Herzliche Grüße


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