
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lazy Day

Today we had a long overdue visit with friends that we had not met with for some time because this one was busy, or that one was busy... you know, the way life usually plays out. The sunny weather was also long overdue and eating an uncomplicated meal with uncomplicated friends made the warm, spring day so relaxing.

It doesn't take much to entertain kids and there is nothing like childhood memories full of running around barely clothed, dogging refreshing bursts of water from a garden hose.

I am finding that black and white has become one of my favorite methods of choice when photographing people. For me, one is not so distracted by colors or backgrounds, which gives the images more of their own voice. My friend, who is shy of cameras these days, requested me not to take photos of her. But I would say that this shot reveals a lot of her character and who she is because I think one can tell a lot about a persons hands... not to mention that there is nothing like a mother's touch.


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