
Monday, February 1, 2010

Humph, two, three, four...

Think back for a moment with me to the days that you were in school... what kind of student were you? When the teacher had given an assignment, did you rush home immediately after school to complete it as quickly as possible so you could have the rest of your evening free? Or were you the type that would come home, get distracted by this or that, putter around, find every excuse in the world to start your assignment later, only to be driven by the pressure of completing the assignment at the last minute? I reluctantly admit that I am the latter of the two. For some reason it is that "pressure" that the last-minute procrastinator feels that drives me to do better work. Sometimes I really do try to finish a task ahead of time, but when I know that I have some time before I really, really need to have something done, somehow other things just seem much more appealing to me.

For instance, I posted just recently here about ha
ving picked out the fabrics for our baby diaper bag that I plan to make... with good intentions I have started. Right now I can envision the whole thing in my head... where pockets will go, how I want to layout the fabric, what details I want to add... everything. Perhaps now you should ask me if I have been working on the diaper bag that we will need in six short weeks or less... Maybe this sweet little "friend" for the baby will explain why I have been so easily distracted... I just couldn't resist.

I got a package in the mail this week with Heather Bailey's newest pattern "Effie & Ollie" and oh, is it super cute! I used fabric from Amy Butler's "Love" collection and I have visions of a whole line up of other polka-dotted friends for this little guy...

... can't you just imagine a whole row of them marching and singing a song like this from my husband's favorite movie?....

Don't forget... there is still time to enter the "just-because-I-forgot-my-anniversary" Giveaway. Winners will be announced on Wednesday February 3rd!


  1. That elephant...i have just fall in love.
    I was a good student. All teachers love me...i only speak too much in class...
    lovely dots fabrics.

  2. I'm such a last-minute person! I, too, need the push of the deadline to get a move on most times. I have to say though, this guy would also totally tempt me to procrastinate! I hope early babies don't run in your family! =)

  3. What a darling little elephant. I love the part in the movie where the baby elephant is holding on to it's mommies tale.

  4. I love that little green elephant of yours! Is it a pattern you have made yourself, bought or found as a freebie in the internetworld? I would love to make one for my daughter.


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