
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Still Distracted

So we have just about four weeks until baby is here... diaper bag can wait, right? From the "professional procrastinator", just another quick little distraction...

Last spring when we flew home I discovered in the "international magazine" section (well
, that's international flying from this direction) a wonderful publication by the folks at Quilting Arts, a magazine called "Stitch"... and I couldn't be more in love. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this from cover to cover and this one definitely gets added to my "keepers" stack of magazines. There were great articles and fantastic project ideas to really spark one's imagination... and keep one very distracted from other things.

... Here is my version of a quick little brooch idea that I discovered that I made using Amy Butler fabric. Doesn't this look cute pinned onto a sweet summer straw handbag?

Oh, me, oh, my... will I ever finish my diaper bag?


  1. Love that brooch! Diaper bag can wait you will be home bound awhile after baby comes. Good luck it's gonna go by fast.

  2. oh, that's really cute! I wish I had taken time to look at magazines while I was back in the States. Normally I do, but I didn't seem to get to it this time around. Guess I'll have to go again! =)

  3. What about starting with such a nice brooch for the diaper bag?

  4. never mind about the diaper bag, the hospital will give you all you need to begin with.. however, make sure that your bag is packed.. I had a surprise with my first and I didn't have a bag packed.. had to rely on hubby to bring me things to the hosp and it was a nightmare. He had no clue about my hairbrush and personal items. i felt like a hot mess!!!

  5. I didn't realize you were so far along! Can't wait to see photos of the little bambino.

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  7. LOVE her fabric. i bet your darling is going to have the prettiest diaper bag in all of germany! :)


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