
Monday, September 27, 2010

Squeezed In

As you may have noticed, posting has been kind of quiet around here these days. Right now is just the busy season with my husband's work and I have basically been on "extra baby duty".... and it seems that nap times are never long enough. But, I thought I would show a project that I was able to squeeze in recently. I've had this in mind for some time now, but was not sure exactly how I wanted to put it together. If I can find the time, I would like to "tweak" it a bit and then share how I did it. Recognize the fabrics?

But as the weather turns colder, I should have more time to nestle in with my sewing machine. When is your busiest time of the year?....

...On a random side note, at first glance it seems a little funny to me that my coins are so big and my cash is not green.


  1. Talented lady! Wallets, oh my!! Who would've ever thought our wallets would one day be void of American dollars?

  2. Allison Did you make the wallet?? it is fabulous, I love the colours, I like everything about it .. I would love one of those to take on my travels.

    Very talented lady!

  3. Looks like you've got enough for a girls' lunch out there! ;-) Love the wallet!

    This weekend I unloaded my travel wallet to loan to my MIL for her upcoming trip and I found a US $20 in it and was sitting there looking at it in amazement; American money now looks fake to me, not the other way around anymore! =P

  4. The wallet is gorgeous! Did you make up the pattern yourself? I want to make one for myself and I'm searching for something just like this...


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