
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Traditions

One of my favorite Christmas decorating memories when I was younger, was not decorating the tree as one might think, but it was looking over my Dad's shoulder while he created what I considered to be the most delightful Christmas centerpiece despite its simplicity. The fact is that I enjoy decorating.... and especially incorporating fresh, natural, and simple things into what I do.

This year my husband and I have been thinking and contemplating about what Christmas traditions we want to start with our little one and to pass on. So, it seems fitting that my first Christmas centerpiece of the year is one that was passed on from my Dad, and I thought that I would pass it along to you...

Using a tea light, trace around the center/top of an orange.

Cut out the circle.

Scoop out the fruit flesh.

Cut the bottom, without cutting all the way through, so the orange can be placed flat when arranged.

Fill with newspaper to keep shape.

Insert votive or tea light.

Add fresh pine branches, apples, nuts, cookies, and miniature Christmas bulbs.

Serve husband freshly squeezed orange juice. Watch husband smile.


  1. Was für eine zauberhafte Idee, liebe Allison! Die Orangenteelicher sehen so hübsch aus und riechen bestimmt auch ganz toll. Ich liebe den Duft von frischen Orangen.

    Ich wünsche dir noch eine schöne Adventszeit!
    Liebe Grüße

  2. Love this! Great idea! Happy Friday, Julie

  3. wow, das schaut sooo schön aus! ich muss heute gleich orangen kaufen und uns solche lichter basteln! :)
    danke für´s teilen!

  4. What a great idea and so simple. Thanks for sharing. Before you stuck the candle in I thought you had poured wax into the orange, but a tea light even easier. Merry Christmas/Froeh Weinachten!


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