
Monday, February 7, 2011

All Stacked Up

While blog surfing this past week, I stumbled onto a quilting blog and was totally inspired when the author shared her own personal fabric stash... it was not because she had miles and miles of fabrics to drool over and envy, following the golden rule of quilters that "she who has the most fabrics when she dies,... wins!" My inspiration came when she confessed that she keeps her stash relatively small, being quite frugal with buying fabrics, and putting every little scrap to good use before she invests in more.... hmmm.

Sometimes I have the tendency to use a fabric for a project and love it so much that I want to hold onto it for future projects... or just in case I need it down the road. In some cases, this has paid off finding that perfect matching fabric years later that looks like it was made to go together. But I guess this attitude got me thinking... what am I waiting for?!? I loved these fabrics when I first bought them, why not use them?

So even though I never make New Year's resolutions, I do set little goals for myself throughout the year... and my new goal is to pull these out my fabric stacks again and turn them into what I envisioned from the very beginning.

What goals have made for yourself that you are either working on or have already accomplished this year?


  1. Well, I got part way done on the living room patchwork pillows, so that's good. When this week is over I'll have a lot more time to play with this project!

    I've also managed to be posting more often on my own blog, which was a goal. Yay for that!

    Looking forward to seeing what you put together with your stashW

  2. no goals at all - never. :)
    over the last years i have been so disappointed when not reaching my goals that i don't even like to set small ones. well... except the craft forward project, i guess. ;)

    mein problem mit meinem stofflager ist, dass ich immer vergesse, was ich aus dem stoff eigentlich machen wollte. und fĂĽr das, was ich dann machen will, ist dann doch nicht der richtige dabei. da muss ich wieder was kaufen... :)

  3. Guess my project lists becomes bigger and bigger each time I accomplish one of them.

    All the sudden a new idea pops up from nowhere and there I am with more on the list than before and a boyfriend that shakes his head at the sight of my growing "old-furniture,colour, lamps for restauration, fabric hill (yes you can already call it a hill) etc." in a small appartement :)

    By the way: really nice blog!!!

    hugs from Munich

    Fanny & Malou


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