
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hippity-Hop Eierhütchen!

I can remember my very first visit to Germany. I had come over during the Easter holiday, and I so totally fell in love with all the brightly colored decorations and flowers celebrating the season... and they were everywhere! My then future mother-in-law had the most beautiful Easter Sunday morning table adorned with quite the spread of colored eggs nestled in fresh grass, braided yeast bread, and pretty decorations that lifted the spirits with the confirmation of the soon arrival of spring.

I guess that first visit inspired me to start making a few of my own Easter "pretties"... and now I get to share with you my first downloadable pattern! (in English AND German!) You can even grab a button for your blog from my sidebar. May I introduce you to my friend "Hippity-Hop"? (just in case you're on the other side of the pond... this little guy is an eggcup warmer)

 You might have even read in one of my earlier posts my experiences with eating eggs in Germany... and now this sweet little bunny can keep my eggs nice and cozy.

Have fun and "hoppy" creating... stay tuned, lots of Easter projects coming your way!


  1. LOVE IT!

    3 cheers for the bilingual pattern, too! ;-)

    I am also loving the Pip-ware you're sporting with the gorgeous mug!

  2. KRáSNA práca, krásny zajovia

  3. Was für ein entzückendes Häschen, Allison! Wirklich eine ganz tolle Idee! Ich habe sogar noch passenden Filz zuhause...

  4. These bunnies are just adorable. I love the tea cup too!

  5. Vielen Dank für die kostenlose Anleitung! Ich finde die Haseneierwärmer supersüß!
    LG, Sabine

  6. Really cute design!

    It is a very professional tutorial and in 2 languages, you really did a lovely job!

    Thank you, kindly! Robbie

  7. Hi Allison, Deine Seite ist ganz toll! Ich schaue gerne wieder vorbei! Viele Grüße aus Elmshorn, Franca.

  8. So 'was Liebes! Jetzt weiß ich was meine Familie zu Ostern bekommt ;-) Danke f+rs Teilen - darf ich eh pinnen?

  9. So 'was Liebes! Jetzt weiß ich was meine Familie zu Ostern bekommt ;-) Danke f+rs Teilen - darf ich eh pinnen?

  10. Thank you so much for this. I found you via Pinterest.

  11. Charmant!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Maaria, ja natürlich darfst Du pinnen - danke!

  13. Ist das Schnittmuster noch verfügbar?

    1. Yes, you can find the direct link uder the freebies/tutorials section here:

      LG, Allison


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