
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Loveliest of Months

It's no secret that we are now in the month that I would call my favorite time of the year... that season where one can see the beginnings of new life, the days don't seem as short and gray as they once were, and one's soul is filled with the anticipation of what is yet to come.

I love to capture the beauty in the things that have not yet fully "sprung"... nature's subtle wonders without the bright painted colors of summer. That first little pop of spring, in what I find to be the prettiest and freshest shade of green there is.

But other than the new life that came to us in the month of March, there is something else that makes this month special for me. No matter what time of year it is, everyone enjoys cards with good wishes and congratulations, carefully wrapped presents, telephone calls from friends and family chiming "Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Alles Gute zum...", and surprises... oder?


  1. Happy Birthday! I think March is fantastic too!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! jimminy cricket, you both have b-days this month! Oh happy days!

  3. hi,
    just found your blog and already love it, great fabric in your shop as well...


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