
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pinned for Easter

So, a special "thanks" goes out this week to Juliette, who introduced me to the time-consuming ecstacy and joy of Pinterest. As they define themselves on their own website, Pinterest "a place where you can create collections of things you love and "follow" collections created by people with great taste."... and oh, is there some serious eye candy to distract you from the things that you should be working on instead. Since I seem to be on the subject of Easter these days, I wanted to pass along a few D-I-Y Crafts I found that would brighten up any Easter table, mantle, or other empty corner in your house... wouldn't these be great for gifts too?

1. Simple & Pretty Spoon Egg Holder 2. Flower Arrangements in Eggshells 3. Bird's Nest Cookies 4. Bunny Topiary 5. Fanciful Favor Bags 6. Crepe Paper Carrots 7. Feather Your Nest papier-mâché 8. Osternest aus Spanschachteln

So many ideas... too little time. Happy creating!

1 comment:

  1. *insert wicked laugh* =)

    I know, Pinterest is sooo time-suck!


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