
Thursday, April 28, 2011


I really love slow, don't you? This weekend was an extended weekend spent with my husband's family for Easter. I so much enjoy the slowed pace of things in Germany when it is a holiday. People aren't thinking about much of anything, but simply enjoying the time off. Vacation time in Germany is drastically different than in the States, where vacations and holidays are few and far between. In Germany one is off for Easter Sunday, and then "Easter Monday", which I had never heard of before... not only that, but there's not just one Christmas day, but two! How great is that?!?

So what does a spring holiday look like here?... kids playing outside the whole entire day until they can run no longer, lounging lazily on a spread out picnic blanket, coffee and cake time in the garden in the shade of that perfect tree, time to read when one would normally be too busy to read, and quality chat time with family... and what better way to top it off than my favorite German meal of fresh Niedersächsischer Spargel. Yeah, I'd have to say that it was a great weekend... and you?

Ich liebe Ferienzeit in Deutschland... irgendwie lauft alles ein bisschen langsamer, und man hat das Gefühl, dass nichts anderes so wichtig ist, als eine schöne Zeit mit der Familie zu verbringen. In Amerika haben wir nur einen Ostertag anstatt zwei... genau so zu Weihnachten. Aber natürlich ist es besser mit mehreren Tagen für eine kleine Reise... Kinder spielen den ganzen Tag draußen miteinander, Kaffee und leckeren Kuchen, etwas lesen, wofür man normalerweise keine Zeit hat, ein bisschen mit der Familie quatschen... Tja, es war ein sehr schönes Osterwochenende... und bei Euch?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Europeans totally know the meaning of vacation where Americans spend the time running around like crazy.


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