
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

auf dem Land

I guess from time to time I enjoy writing about something other than fabrics and sewing (yeah, I know, a little hard to believe, huh?) But since I've been much more occupied with other outside projects instead of my usual inside passion, this might seem just about as far away from fabrics as one can get. As I've shared before, my husband comes from a farming family, and he himself has had a passion for tractors, soil, and flat fields as far as the eye can see since he was about my son's age. One could defintately say in his case that you can take the boy out of the farm, but you can't take the "farmer" out of the boy.

Even though I have been around large machinery all my life (my grandfather and father both worked in the heavy equipment industry) I have never experienced farming to this degree. Really "auf dem Land" (in the country) is so different than anything that I have ever been a part of.

... the men up early, out with the machinery, and in the fields before breakfast, actually getting to experience the full result of hard labor returned. The women in the house, the kitchen, the garden, preparing meals, coffee and cake, moving from one task to the next to support those that are working hard. Often having a feel to it like it was in the old days, but just with a little bit of modern technology.

While talking to my mother-in-law, we mused at what things must have been like on the large farm hundreds of years ago. I cannot imagine working from daylight to dark with no washing machine, no diswasher, primtive baking appliances, and making it all happen.

... well, I caught the tail "end of making it happen", and I must say at the end of the day it is quite a fulfilling thing to have been just a small part of the process that puts bread on our daily table.

Do you have any stories or memories of times spent "auf dem Land"?( in the country)


  1. What a nice post! It is quite amazing how people managed many years ago – the women raising babies, cleaning, cooking, helping at harvest time, then men doing hard field work! I guess harvest time was the most intense time when everyone joined in and spend a few long weeks taking the crop in. And than there was the harvest “party” – so long awaited. It must have been so special! Sometimes we in our modern world do take things for granted.

  2. What a great post!
    I'm a farmer's daughter and now a veterinary surgeon's wife - so I spent my childhood on the land and even now we have cows and chickens!

  3. Those wreaths are beautiful! Does your little boys love the big machines? How old is your baby now?

  4. Sewandthecity,

    My in-laws still have a harvest party and it is really special. My mother-in-law made this harvest wreath last year in celebration.


    I guess one marries often where there is some commonality... my dad also dealt with tractors, so when I met my husband, it fit too!


    This week our little guy got to sit on the tractor and ride with daddy. I can't believe how long and how still he sat on the tractor. In this case the apple might not fall too far from the tree. He's now an unbelieveable 17 months!

  5. Hi.
    My mum is a farmers doughter, but a small mountain farm. When I was teenager and younger I would spend all my school holidays on that farm. Nice memories.

  6. Kristina,

    I am curious about how things might differ on a mountain farm. I had always thought that Germany was mountainous like my home in West Virginia, but that is more so in Southern Germany. In the North is it very flat, which my husband loves. But I have to say that I miss my mountains.

  7. Hi Allison.

    Fist of all Slovenia is very small country (20.273 km2), most of it is montanious and the farms are small. I love mountains and couldn't live withouth them.


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