
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pretty Patchwork

So, how ironic is it that I am an online fabric retailer, who sells patchwork and quilting fabrics, but yet I don't quilt? I ask myself that a lot. I guess I belong to that "new generation" of sewers/quilters, who love to sew, but don't like the traditional fabrics that their grandma used to use. I love the evolution that quilting fabrics have seen over the past several years, even if I don't quilt... and especially the fact that quilting fabric is not just for quilting anymore. But it seems as though recently, what I've been working on has been looking a lot like quilting. If my aunt read that I think she would literally jump for joy right in her seat (she's the one who makes absolutely gorgeous and fantastic quilts that I already told you about)

I've been having fun with adding a little bit of linen to what I'm working on, and even though this muted blue/gray fabric is not my usual style, I gotta say that it too is working for me. Some I decided to leave plain, and others I added a few embellishments to.

But what I've been having the most fun with is this zig-zag patchwork... I was inspired by Anna Maria Horner's quilt that she had done a while back. O.K., O.k., I know... this really does look like quilting, but this "start a project and then put it down if it lasts too long" girl gets just enough satisfaction from doing something that is close to quilting without having to do the real thing.

Maybe this is just my way to actually working my way up to a quilt... who knows.


  1. They all look very good,and you do them so accurately - I really admire that!
    Have a nice day, Simone

  2. You are SOOO working your way to a quilt! I know it! =P


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