
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Es Grünt So Grün

With two birthdays, one wedding, overnight guests, and preprations for a major launch of a new product of mine... (and all of that just in the last two weeks), it's no wonder that I've hardly had any time to work on spring decorations, or anything creative for that matter. But the weather over the last couple days has been to nice to keep me inside. So... now is the perfect time bring some of that spring inside.

I've had these sweet mini glass jars for quite some time, but they've only now found thier use. I've always loved small vases with small flowers in them... so dainty and delicate. Working on a few of these for a bigger project, but just thought I'd stop in and say "happy spring".


  1. cute cute! I like the little metal spiral.

  2. I hope your new product line is a huge sucess! Happy Spring!


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