
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Spoken Like a True Quilter

Recently I called my aunt, who has been quilting for as long as I've know her, to tell her some really exciting news. Over the last several months, she has received countless phone calls peppered with questions about techniques, how-to's, thread choices, machine settings, and of course lots of chatter about various on going projects, fabrics, and other sewing related news. But the purpose of my last call was to announce that I had finally finished my very first quilt! As I could hear the excitement in her voice about the big news, she then followed up with the obvious question of which quilt had I finished?....

Sheepishly, I had to admit with a laugh... neither... I started a totally new one!

Ever since Cotton & Steel announced the collaboration of five top, well known designers at the 2013 Spring Quilt Market, I've been waiting their release this summer. With strong colors and modern yet classic designs, all that coordinate within the collections, it's no wonder why the quilting scene has been all a buzz.

Since the fabrics have such large designs and really speak for themselves, I wanted to use a pattern that would show them off. This free pattern, Lap of Luxe by Quilt Dad, as featured on the Art Gallery Fabrics blog, was a perfect match for this collection.

 For the backing I used strips from an all time favorite of mine - Basic Grey's Grunge series. (I could literally eat this stuff by the bolt!)

I was very back and forth how I wanted to quilt this, but decided in the end, that simple straight line stitches worked with the quilt design the best, as well as letting the fabrics shine. Simple, I know, but one must start somewhere, right?

So... after my aunt had given a hearty, but all too knowing laugh about my starting two quilts and finishing a completely different one, she simply replied... "well, Ally, that was spoken like a true quilter." To be continued...

Fabrics, of course, found here.


  1. Das kommt mir so bekannt vor! Um genau zu sein mache ich gerade dasselbe. 2 halbfertige Quilts hängen über Bügeln an der Tür zum Nähzimmer ( schon eine ganze Weile um bei der Wahrheit zu bleiben) und ich nähe an einem Dritten...

    Hach, Cotton +Steel... I like...

    Alles Liebe Barbara

  2. Tja, I guess I put both on hold because of various barriers that I ran into. I pulled the AMH blocks out again today and was playing around with it, but haven't made a final decision on which direction I'm going to take it. Hey... weren't you thinking about a Bonnie Christine quilt... is that one of three in the making?

  3. Hi Kelleyn, the show was really great. I had a big hiccup before the show started that gave me a little bit of stress, but it worked itself out beautifully in the end... with a little help. I was actually able to use this at the show, and was able to make a lot of other things thanks to a babysitting weekend from my hubby!

  4. This is great! I like the idea for using a bunch of different cotton + steel prints.


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