
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Keep the Volume Low WIP

In order to start working on my Facing East quilt I had to do some major (and I mean MAJOR) stash building. The concept of using low volume fabrics (read more on it here) is not exactly a new one, but the evolution of the designs available has grown to include some really fascinating and innovative fabrics. When I first started seeing a new wave of modern low volume fabrics pop up in various places all over the quilting scene, I was especially drawn to Carolyn Friedlander's brilliant "Ledger" fabric.

With that being said, I suppose that it might be more than obvious why I have been just itching to get my hands on fabrics from the new AGF Studios "The Makers" series from Art Gallery fabrics. (Look Book found here) I would have to say that they are the most brilliant low volumes as a collection that I've seen since Ms. Friedlander amazed us with her Architextures series.

... so absolutely perfect for another block for my quilt. The "I'm a Maker" fabric has, in just a few short days, already made it to the "eat-it-by-the-bolt" list...

... and the "Make Patterns" fabric falls into the "brilliant-on-another-level" category.

I decided to use this fabric for as well for the center circle of my "Makers" block... how could I not?!?

... oh, I've got a few other things in the works using these fabrics, but one thing at a time, right?

I made this fun board on Pinterest with some low volume quilting inspiration. What about you... do you like to work with low volume fabrics or do you prefer solids and more traditional background fabrics?

In Germany, you can find these and other Low Volume fabrics here.

Linking up to WIP Wednesday.


  1. Oh!!! Diese Stoffe sind wahnsinnig toll!! Ich bin total begeistert, vielen Dank fürs Zeigen!! Dein Quilt schaut sehr vielversprechend aus, ich bin schon gespannt auf das ganze Projekt! Liebe Grüße, Selina

  2. Die Stoffe sind ja der Hammer liebe Allison! Vielen Dank fürs Zeigen! Dein Quilt sieht schon mal super aus - bin gespannt!
    Ganz liebe Grüße, Deborah

  3. Wow, love all of the LV and the design. So great.

  4. Love what you are doing, I enjoy working with low volume, I may have to succumb and get some makers fabric I think.

  5. Eat it by the bolt---YES. If only my fabric budget allowed purchasing fabric by the bolt. I have yet to add any of these to my stash, but they are SO fantastic! I, too, am smitten with Carolyn's low volumes. Low volumes + pops of bright saturated color = bliss.


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