
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Farm Girl Vintage Blocks

One of the joys of living is Northern Germany is the rain. (I hope the sarcasm is plainly obvious) With that being said, I've got a finish to share, but have been stuck inside these past days wishing for even the slightest little hint of sunshine to snap some pictures. So, if the sunshine won't come to you, then I guess you have to make it yourself.

My Farm Girl Vintage blocks are growing, and it's been fun to dig through my scraps, and even make a few new scraps for these blocks. I have to say that I am pleased with how much easier it has been to find that perfect little snippit now that my scraps are properly organized. I really love adding low volumes with just a little hint of color to these, and paired with these juicy blocks, it just feels summery even if the weather outside is not.

As always, size will continue to be my life long back and forth dilemma when it comes to quilting, and I am actually contemplating a small, little twelve block sampler. Can you believe it? On the other hand, these blocks are not only fun, but really addictive... but one step at a time, right?

While I found the 6 inch blocks to be unbelievably adorable, I really liked the idea of making larger blocks and chose the 12 inch version. It's also been fun looking at other versions of FGV projects on Instagram, and see what others are making.

What are you working on today?

Linking up this week to WIP Wednesday & Let's Bee Social.


  1. Hi! I love the top block - great fabric choices. I have just been reading a bit of your blog and we have some things in common - being from North America and living in Europe, stocking up on fabrics while at home on vacation...
    If you ever hear of a bee or something European, please let me know!

  2. I'm always excited when I read blog post from people living in northern Germany because my dear friend Suzanne lives in Bremen, and it makes me feel a bit closer to her. I know what you mean about the rain. Your blocks do make it sunnier though and the the first one does kind of look like the sun. The 12 inch blocks look great. I tend to prefer that size myself.

  3. Love your bright and cheerful blocks - I think our UK summer must be as good as your northern German summer. Wow - I followed your link and found your beautiful neat, tidy and colour co-ordinated shelves!! When I finish the quilt I am currently working on this is what I need to do - thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Your blocks are so pretty-I'm making the 12" size too, quicker gratification!!

  5. Your fabric choices are all so sweet! Love those canning jars, especially. Hope you soon get some sunshine to brighten up your day!

  6. I love your FGV blocks. The fabrics you chose are so bright and happy!


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