
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Great Harvest

When it comes to farm living, planting, growing, harvesting, and storing up so that the cycle can be carried on into the next year is central to the way of life. I've been pondering such things while working on my Farm Girl Vintage blocks, and I think that this verse tells of the wisdoms of planning and preparing for the things that are ahead: The ants are a people not strong, yet they lay up their food in the summer. Proverbs 30:25

Even though I did not grow up on a farm, I do remember canning yummy, homemade cinnamon applesauce with my mom. I can still see the funny little cone with holes with all that deliciousness oozing out the sides. Working in the kitchen with her on various cooking projects was also central to our relationship, and I so enjoy it when my boys climb up on the counter eager to help the same way that I did all those years ago.

My husband on the other hand, did grow up on a farm, and I always see the excitement in his eyes when the tractors are busily driving from field to field to "make hay while the sun is shining". It really is like seeing a kid all lit up at Christmas time. Farming is really such a part of him, that it almost makes me feel like it is a part of me too.

After I had made my first "Welcome Block", I knew I needed to make a second one. I've not yet decided size or purpose of this quilt, and perhaps two of the same blocks in a sampler quilt may not fit exactly, but I simply could not be stopped.

As summer is drawing to a close, I find myself looking towards the things that are to come. Have I planned enough, prepared enough, is my heart open enough to continue cyles that I want to pass on?

Linking up this week to WIP Wednesday and Let's Bee Social


  1. I like your blocks and the photo of your design wall looks great! A good quilt for the autumn.

  2. All of your blocks look great. Definitely brings back lovely memories.

  3. Those are such a beautiful group of Farm Girl blocks, Allison. This is going to be a gorgeous quilt!

  4. These blocks are just gorgeous - can't wait to see more. We preserved a lot when we lived in New Zealand but haven't got into the rhythm of it here yet ...... it's so lovely to open up something in the depths of winter that you put away in summer!

  5. You're blocks look great! I love when it reminds us of something from childhood or makes a connection.

  6. I love your blocks. I love canning vegetables and making jelly. We've had kitchen gardens which are small by necessity since we live in a neighborhood with just a small lot. But I love going out to the blueberry farm to pick blueberries to make jam. Yum! So much better than the store bought stuff.
    I have this book and need to start on my blocks

  7. I just purchased the Vintage Farm Girl book and can't wait to get started making some of the blocks :) I love the colors you chose!

  8. It looks great! I have been doing so much canning too and it really is so satisfying to have your harvest all winter. (both in quilted and in jar form)

  9. I haven't seen this design before but it's super cute! Really nice colour palette choices, too.

  10. I love this post and the story. I did not grow up anywhere near a farm, since I lived in suburban NJ my entire formative years, but we now live in rural Maine where some of my closest friends are legit farmers. The farmers here are part of our life, both in providing nourishment through CSA shares, knowledge and guidance in all things diy, friendship, camaraderie both for my husband and I and our children with their children, and much more. On 9 acres, we have a couple of fields that are hayed twice a year, and I revel in those sunny haying days as well. It's so good to get back to the earth, and while I let my garden go this year (since baby Finn came right at planting time), I hope to be able to put away food in many years to come. This year, we'll have to do with frozen blueberries, a few carrots and onions, and our CSAs. Thank you for sharing your lovely reflection, and your quilt is looking fabulous!

  11. Your quilt will be beautiful no matter what size it ends up. Love your color choices.
    I did not grow up on a farm but I remember my grandmother making apple butter and canning it. My mom always canned green beans and blackberry jelly YUM!

    Visiting from Sew Fresh Quilts


  12. This is a great piece, I love the colors you are using. Great job.

  13. This is going to be a beautiful quilt! The blocks are so colorful and fun.


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