
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

On Again, Off Again

About two weeks ago, I got together with a friend of mine for a sewing day, whom I met on a WIP Wednesday linkup some time ago!... it perhaps doesn't sound too out of the ordinary to meet on such a platform, but it might actually make it very out of the ordinary if you know that we both live in Germany! It's amazing how much you can get accomplished when you have a whole day dedicated just to sewing, despite lunch and chocolate breaks! I have so many WIP's in the works, it was not too hard to find something to work on.

If you've visited here a time or two, you might have figured out that I am a debater when it comes to my sewing projects. When I started my Farm Girl Vintage blocks, I had a very clear direction as far as colors and fabrics, but then I hit my stumbling block: the sashing. After several fabric auditions and many seam ripper moments, it got packed away again, and it wasn't until after won a pretty little stack of Swiss Dots fabrics from Sew Fresh Quilts that I had my Eureka moment:

Here's the best part... half way through my sashing, I realized that I had calculated wrong about how much sashing I needed to get this WIP together... uggghh! Luckily I was able to find the fabric again, but now back to waiting until the fabric makes it all the way to Germany... hmmpff, back to the back burner with 'ya.

... and flipping to the front burner again, do you remember this fun little stack of orange peels? They too are starting to take shape, and I really think I will enjoy this Modern Beauty Block as a table runner for our dresser in the front hallway. I've actually decided to make a few changes on some of the orange peel fabrics, so this might be another long time in the making project, but that's just how I've planned this "basket project" to be.

Oh, the lengths you go to for that perfect shot... here's Mell capturing a few of our WIP moments. Do you stand on your piano bench too for a good picture?

 ... and speaking of the backburner... I've not forgotten about my Facing East quilt... no, no, quite the contrary! That's was another debater moment, and I've decided to add a few of the new Basic Grey 2015 grunges to the mix... and wouldn't you know, they are in that same box with the swiss dots fabrics... back on the back burner again!

Are you an "On Again, Off Again" project maker? Do you seem to run into a lot of road blocks on projects, or are your projects planned as to leave no room for error?

Linking up this week to WIP Wednesdy and Let's Bee Social. 


  1. I'm on again off again because I take on more than I can complete, or I have to make gifts and it wings me off in another direction. As long as we don't forget what we are doing when we go back to them. Your projects are really colourful and fun.

  2. I really like your Farm Girl quilt! Love the dot sashing. Well I do have some some unfinished things around, but usually I prefer to complete one quilt before starting another. All the stages of making a quilt are so different, and I kind of like moving along that continuum of activities I guess. ;) But it is fun to make some smaller projects along the way, too.

  3. Ooh...that orange peel quilt is gorgeous, and how fun that you met a friend in your home country that way!!!!

  4. Oh Gosh, I definitely bounce around between projects! I figure as long as I stay busy, and finish something now and then, then I must still be sane! Hope you get your fabrics soon so we can see more of these pretties!

  5. How fun that you were able to meet someone with similar interest and meet. I know you have the big summer time show, but do you show any of your creations at the Christmas markets?

  6. Definitely on again, off again. I am committed to finishing up some long time projects. I love those swiss dots.

  7. I am definitely an on again off again quilter. Sometimes I pause and set a project aside because I need time to think about the next step - a fabric choice as you did, or deciding an FMQ pattern, or picking a backing. But equally often I see something cute that just whips my head around and I am off in another direction. I have a list of projects in progress or to do but the priority order constantly shifts. That is such a cool idea to have a friend over to do sewing all day. Love the picture of her taking a picture.

  8. First of all, that fresh dot is a perfect sashing for a FGV quilt!! Great call! I don't think I am terribly on again off delays are usually of the "waiting for the perfect backing or batting" variety rather than a "in progress roadblock" variety. I do find that picking fabrics can be my biggest roadblock of all, so that once those decisions are made I am pretty much home free :) and your runner is seriously sweet!!!

  9. Haha!! Yes! I stand on crazy things to get the angle I want for a shot. And yes, I also have on-and-off-again approaches to most of my projects. They're almost all super intense, so I get over-saturated by them after a while and need a break. I *love* your orange peel project, by the way!

  10. I am soooo happy that you've found a local sewing buddy!!!
    Your FGV is such a fun quilt ~ I forget - will it be yours to keep??
    I would rather just work on one project 'til its completed (not counting hand-stitching). I have this ridiculous (but not entirely unfounded) fear that if I don't keep after it, when I return to a project, I won't remember what I need to be doing, or how I should be doing it... That said, though, I often bounce around between a few different projects for one reason or another. Right now, though, having finished the Christmas sewing - with the exception of my long term EPP project and my red and white quilt, which is less than 1/2 way quilted, but since it has no particular purpose, keeps getting pushed to the back burner, I have no other projects actually started!
    I've been collecting fabrics for a quilt for my sister for her 50th birthday, and just yesterday thought of a design for a quilt for my dad and his wife. Then there's the quilt in my head that I think would be a good fund-raiser. And of course, my Pinterest board.... So I won't be without a piecing project for long :-) First, though, I have to re-make my son's TaeKwonDo uniform; he is so tall that in order to get a top that is long enough, he has to get a size that is waay too big around. It's not a task I'm looking forward to, but it really must be done!


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