
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Finished Edge Foil Applique VIDEO!

Every quilter has their own list of favorite and least favorite techniques for finishing quilt blocks. I have always loved applique, but what I have not always loved is a zig-zag finish. Many of the quilting techniques that I've explored have been my attempt to have a clean, finished egde when I applique: thus the reason you see so much freezer paper and reverse applique projects at the top of my list.

Sometime ago, I had stumbled onto Anna Maria Horner's technique for finishing circles... can I just say brilliant?!? I used this method to finish the circles in my to-be-released Jeweled Kaleidoscope pattern (October 12th), and you may remember my Facing East quilt. While I was writing the instructions for my pattern, I decided that I wanted to do a video of this technique, firstly as a reference to go along with my pattern, and secondly because often seeing something demonstrated can make a world of difference on how much head scratching goes on while trying to figure it out.

So, what's your favorite applique method?

 Linking up with Let's Bee Social


  1. Great video, Allison! It takes the fear out of circle appliques. Thanks!

  2. Great idea and video, thanks for sharing.

  3. Beautiful Quilt! I have yet to applique a quilt. I love you sharing a your technique.

  4. Thanks for the additional explanations :)

  5. I have tried many, many methods of applique. Except needle turned as I avoid hand stitching whenever possible. But that zig-zag finish was what steered me away from doing more applique. I had never seen this foil method before. Looks great! I love that you have a turned edge and that you can do this without using fusible web, leaving your fabric in it's natural state. Thanks so much for sharing the video!

  6. Congrats on your new pattern! It's lovely!

  7. A great tutorial, Alison....I love your Bio photo too! :) I look forward to seeing more great videos from you!


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