
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Denmark Weekend Show & Tell

A weekend away from the daily rush, snuggled up in a cozy cabin in Denmark with your sewing girls, and nothing on your hands but time to sew sounds pretty much like a dream, doesn't it? Well, that's exactly what my past weekend looked like!

Usually when we get together for our monthly HH Modern Patchwork Treffen, it always feels like we don't get very much accomplished. Usually chatter and the exchange about fabrics, patterns, techniques, quilting ideas, etc. distract from the actual time at the sewing machine. But, I think that everyone left this time quite pleased with the amount of things that we got accomplished. Perhaps it might have helped that the WiFi wasn't working in our cabin. On one hand it was really frustrating because it makes you feel so disconnected to the outside world, but on the other hand, it's not necessarily a bad thing to cut the cord either.

I was able to get my bee quilt top put together, and almost finished a second quilt top. It's always fun when you run out of fabric in the middle of a project, huh? You can see the second top on the quilt wall in the background. This is actually my oldest WIP to date, and essentially my first quilt blocks. Oh, I don't want to talk about all the cut off points, but I'll share it's long story when I get the top finished.

On my part, there was a good bit of secret sewing done, and tons of chain piecing, which should make things whiz by once I pick it back up again. We did a little photo shoot for a project before gifting it to another member who lives in Denmark just an hour from where we stayed. Hope to share that one soon too!

 Linking up this week to Let's Bee Social.


  1. I think we all got a lot done! :)

    And both your quilt tops turned out really amazing. I am curious how you will finish them.

  2. Very pretty! I like what you did with your old WiP blocks and the grunge fabrics. Looking forward to seeing the whole thing!

  3. Sounds like the perfect weekend to me!

  4. Your quilt tops look so wonderful and I'm curious to read about the story of your oldest WIP when it's finally finished. I'm sure, you had a gorgeous time with your quiltfriends!

  5. Your weekend sounds wonderful, and sometimes it's lovely to get away from the phone and the internet and just enjoy sewing without the interruptions. I love your bee top but I can imagine your will have most satisfaction on completing your WIP, congratulations.


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