
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Merry & Bright

Are you a pre-holiday project planner? As much as I would like to say that I belong to this category, the honest truth about things is that I usually think about making a holiday project when I am already in the middle of that holiday.

On our recent sewing retreat to Denmark, I did, however, have to have several projects planned ahead of time, and I wanted to have a hand project in case I needed a break from the sewing machine... what was I thinking, right?!? a break from the sewing machine? HA! (big laughing here behind the scenes)

This past weekend, the traveling sick bug hit everyone in the family except for my husband. It's almost torture for me when I am too sick to make it to the sewing machine, but also too fit to just sit on the couch and do nothing.

It was so nice to just pull out my little project box since it was already prepped and ready to go... and who doesn't love Minki Kim's sweet illustrated sewing projects? I was really excited to see this great little holiday wreath in the latest issue of Love Patchwork & Quilting magazine. My oldest son, was joining me on the couch that day with the same yucks. He asked if he could make a wreath too... I had to say that despite feeling so bad, it was still fun to be snipping happily away together.

There's nothing better than a relaxing and fun scrappy project, don't you think?

Linking up this week to Let's Bee Social.


  1. Das ist eine sehr schöne Idee :-)

  2. I'm soprry you were all ill but that is a great project!

  3. I love it!
    Do you have her book?? I've considered it, but since I've already done that type of sewing, I'm not sure if it'd be money well spent... (And I sure don't need for project ideas, got plenty of those...) but there may be some valuable tips tucked in those pretty pages....

    P.S. if your package hasn't arrived yet - it should soon :-) I'm so sorry for my tardiness. I was so anxious to finish it, and then I promptly forgot to put it in the email : /

  4. That is such a precious holiday project! Hope you're feeling better now.

  5. This is so beautiful! I honestly am not a big holiday crafter--partially because by the time I think of a holiday project, the holidays are basically come and gone, and the thought of making something only to pack away for a year is not one that appeals to me. But I do love this wreath! Your fabric choices are right on--of course, you know I love those AG and even a CF thrown in!

    I'd love to see your son's wreath! We just finished a family craft time, but my kids mostly want to run their own show. Max had a burning desire to make a very specific project and then proceeded to glue a bunch of crayons, two broken up popsicle sticks, and two chop sticks to a piece of paper and color in between with a marker. It was exactly what he wanted to do, so I just rolled with it. When the desire to create calls, you answer. lol

  6. This wreath is so colorful and modern looking! Nice finish!

  7. So lovely - hope you are all fully better now!

  8. I am glad you are feeling better again. The wreath turned out good looking. Nice fabrics and color choices. I am curious what you will finish it into?!

    So far no holiday sewing at my place. I once finished an advent calender, but the pockets are way too small ;)


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