
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Churnstile Quilt Finish!

I'm a quilter without a plan... that's just how I operate. Ok, well, I do from time to time make a plan for my ongoing projects, but a good majority of what I do, starts out with no real A to Z, start-to-finish, mapped out direction. Usually such quilting projects leave you with a pretty good story once you do finally make it to the finish line... so, are you ready for a sit back and grab a cup of coffee kind of tale?

I actually started my Churnstile quilt back in February of this year when I wanted to "audition" potential bee blocks for when it was my turn to be queen bee. It didn't take long for me to figure out that I liked the block so much, and had such a very specific color direction, that I decided to keep it for myself. After adding several blocks, I had my usual debate of layout and size. (I guess one could argue that since I do this with almost every quilt, that this IS actually the plan)

In the end, this quilt came with a nice surprise... it turned out way bigger that I thought it would, and even big enough to be a bed quilt! (I seriously didn't plan that one!?!) By summer I was able to get the back finished and the quilt basted just before our big move, but as you can imagine, pulling up roots in one spot, and setting them down in another can take some time to get adjusted. By the time I found my sewing table again, there were several quilts that had cut line, and it was hard to pick this back up since it felt that I wasn't really sure where I had left off. But there's nothing like the push of a deadline to put you back on track... aka end of the year Finish-A-Long.

For the backing I used two leftover blocks that didn't make it in the quilt top, and added two blocks of color. Somehow I really wanted a simple backing, and used a good bit of cream Basic Grey grunge fabric for the rest.

I kept the quilting pretty simple by following the extending lines of the blocks. Perhaps if I had stayed on track the whole time with this quilt, then I might have done something a little more creative... do you get that way too, just going with whatever gets the projects done? Well, I suppose that's not all bad because a finished project means getting to start on the next one.

Quilt: Pattern: Churnstile from Stitchery Dickory Dock, Churn Dash block from the January Sugar Block Club
Started: February 2016
Alison Glass, Carolyn Friedlander, Cotton & Steel, Lizzy House, and various additional prints from my stash. Low volume with color background fabrics
Finished quilt size: ca. 66 x 82 in. (168 x 208 cm)

...behind the scenes shots are always such fun... can you spot my little helper? 

Linking up with Let's Bee Social and 2016 Finish-A-Long


  1. I'd have to say I'm a bit like you in my quilt there a plan? ;) It turned out great and I actually really like the simply quilting you did. Good work getting it finished :)

  2. This turned out awesome! Great finish.

  3. This is beautiful! I love that block, and was thinking about using it for the Bee I'm in next year :)

  4. Great quilt! I'm not a big quilt planner, either. Sometimes the fabric inspires me, sometimes a particular block. I make a mess, stitch stuff together, clean up a bit, maybe baste three tops at a time. I guess my plan is "do what seems fun today," or maybe "get thru this less fun part so I can do something fun tomorrow!"

    Congrats on your bright, pretty finish. Now you can start something else, and isn't that so fun? :)

  5. That is such an awesome quilt! The colours are amazing and I love the two sizes of the blocks along with the creative backing! I am very much a follow-the-pattern kind of girl but this really appeals to me. Great job!

  6. You know me, more the plan it through girl here. Maybe I should try a bit more your and 'Louise' method of just do what appears fun. You get way more sewing done that way :)

    The churnstile quilt turned out really great. And a fun backing, too. And such nice pictures again! xo

  7. What a lovely finished quilt. Yes, sometimes my 'plan' changes so that a quilt can get finished and I just think that that was how it was supposed to be never mind what had been in my head beforehand. Congratulations on another FAL finish.

  8. What a gorgeous quilt. Love the colour palette

  9. Another wonderful finish! What an awesome quilt! You can be very proud of it! Have a Happy New Year!

  10. This turned out really lovely! On behalf of the FAL hosting team, thanks for sewing along with us!


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