
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

#30daysoffabricstacks Take II

This the second round of the #30daysoffabricstacks challenge, and can I just say that I am truly in my element? If only actually quilting quilts would be this much fun too... hmmm.

#yellow is a pretty important color in my color stash, and I love to grab a little touch of sunshine for my projects. With that being said this good mood color can sometimes be tricky to mix and match because there are so many different shades... lime, gold, primary.

#handprinted. you may remember some time ago that I had shared those fabulous lampshades that I'd been drooling over for a long time... well, when I ordered them I threw a scrap pack into my cart with them. These treasured bits match my living room so well, but until I nail down the project, I'll have to be happy to pull them out every once in a while and stroke them.

#softlyagainstblack is a dig REALLY deep into the bottom of my stash fabric pull. I've only recently started adding the occasional grey to my projects, and black is pretty much a no-go for me. These almost blacks have made it into my stash through bundles, but I can only imagine them as very small accents to a project.

#fabriciwant the #30daysoffabricstacks challenge is being hosted by @stitchedincolor, and is being sponsored by @bobbieloufabric, and of course who doesn't love shopping for fabrics, right? any other "she who has the biggest fabric stash when she dies" folks out there? It actually looks like I might have purposefully matched my fabric wishes here, but I honestly threw in my folder what appealed to me, and this is what came out of it... ok, a little selection involved, but seriously, this was mostly by chance.

#complimentarycolors even though I have studied the color wheel enough to know what fits where, I've never been the biggest fan of complimentary colors schemes... they always looked more like football uniforms to me. But when you look at some of the secondary color combos, that's where my interest start to peak.

#green well, I suppose in light of things, perhaps it's only fitting to save the best for last, and that is my favorite color... green. I think I could pull about 30 different stack of just green if I wanted to! Seriously, this is the biggest and most dominant corner of my stash. There really aren't too many shades of natures color that I don't like. You might notice several Alison Glass fabrics that have showed up in stack after stack of mine, simply because Iove how such a subtle blender pulls out the other colors in the fabrics to add interest. FYI this AG sun print on the top will go down as my all time favorite green fabric. So sad that I don't have bolts and bolts of this for all eternity.

#30daysoffabricstacks runs until August 6th, so there's still plenty of time to join in on the fun!


  1. Your photos are every bit as pretty as your fabrics!!!

  2. I know someone has been having fun playing with fabric :)


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