
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Home Sweet Home Introduction

I generally like to get a little further with a quilt pattern that I have in the works before I start sharing about it. Somehow, I feel like if I introduce things too early, then by the time I get to the final reveal, it's already long forgotten. But there's nothing like a little pressure of a deadline to push you over the finish line faster. Since that deadline just around the corner in spring, I decided to start sharing a couple blocks from my Home Sweet Home applique sampler that I will be releasing in May - if you are in Germany, keep those ears perked for some exciting news coming soon!

One of the biggest delights for me at our old house, was to sit quietly in the morning with a hot cup of tea and just watch the birds through our terrace door. While I am not a bird expert, I adore watching these amazing little creations flit, spring, and fly about their business...

... my mother in law, who is a total nature lover, mused that my acorn block is actually with American oak acorns, but the leaves are from a German oak leaf. Hmm, I suppose that this block is just like my life... a blend of the two.

... I find that even in my fabric choices, I often tend towards leaves, foliage, flowers, and other natural organic shapes, so perhaps it's no surprise that I also tend towards those shapes in my designs. I love the simplicity of the foliage leaf combined with the simple circles.

... where we live in the country, there are always lots of little sparrows flitting around. I love their delicate little bodies, and am amazed how they speedily dart back and forth and weave in and out between the trees and each other.

So, be sure to stick around because I'll be sharing more applique blocks in the next weeks that were inspired from my own Home Sweet Home.


  1. This is going to be really pretty, Allison! That background fabric in the first picture ~ what is it?? It is perfect for that bird (robin?)

    1. Hi Tracy, you always seem to notice my background fabrics ; ) That little treasure is from Alison Glass, Abacus... her low volume collection is fantastic!

  2. Oh, lovely! This pattern might be the one that finally gets me to try some applique :)

  3. Your work is always so lovely! I look forward to your posts and I always enjoy your designs, your use of color and your wonderful creativity.

  4. Really enjoyed seeing your "view" of what is around you. These applique blocks are wonderful! Great photography too. :)

  5. Deine Applikationen sind traumhaft schön geworden, ganz besonders gut gefallen mir die Vögel.
    Liebe Grüße

  6. You really know how to do lovely applique! Great blocks.

  7. I told you already your applique blocks looks fabulous. And they do! =) I guess I go better to look up the phenological differences in US and German oaks now.

  8. WOW, das sieht schon SUPERTOLL aus! Das ist genau die Art von modernen Applikationen, die ich ganz toll finde. Ich freue mich schon auf das Projekt!
    Viele liebe Grüße von Beate

  9. I might just have to start applique that's how much I love these blocks!

  10. I love that first bird block, it's so sweet! I don't understand about the acorns though, both acorns and leaves look like the ones we get in the UK


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