
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Home Sweet Home Kitchen

Over the last weeks, I've been sharing blocks from my upcoming Home Sweet Home applique sampler that I will be releasing in May. These Home Sweet Home Kitchen blocks are the last that I will be sharing until the final reveal... just think there are still 16 blocks that you've not seen yet!?!

I would say that in most homes, the kitchen is the heart of things... it's where families gather and spend a good potion of time together. Even when entertaining, it's as if it is almost mandatory for everyone to crowd into the kitchen. So with these food blocks, it's a nod to the center of the home. A healthy home is a happy home, and what better way to keep the doctor away than an apple a day...

This peas-in-a-pod block really holds a special place in my heart... when I became a mother, for some reason, I started calling my new little addition "sweet pea". While he is no longer that tiny little bundle that he once was, my now 8 year old is, and always will be, my sweet pea.

When growing up, much to our displeasure at the time, my parents would always make us eat our vegetables. We tried every trick in the book to get out of eating them, but threats of double portions quickly cured our "upset tummies". I often hear my mom telling me, as if she's sitting on my shoulder... "a meal is not complete until there is green on the plate." 

When my oldest was little, and his food came out of a jar, I could always tell the foods that her really liked with this sweet little "hh..ummm" sound that he would make. Pears were one of his favorite foods, so I think it's more than appropriate, that it lands in a quilt that is all things home.

Are you going to Nadelwelt in Karlsruhe in May? I will be teaching a starch applique class and will exclusively introduce this pattern to you first! Would love you see you there!


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