
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Chuck Nohara Pillow Finish

If you're a quilter, I'm sure you can identify: that package of long awaited fabrics just arrived... you know, the ones you've been drooling over since Quilt Market, which at this point seems like an eternity ago. (and in the world of quilting, technically it was) You only have about thirty minutes to sew, but you're at a place with all of your other projects that take more than 30 minutes just to get started... what do you do?

Ok so, I suppose that it's obvious that I like to come up with creative ways, week to week to justify why I just "had" to start another project... but could you resist a new stack of Anna Maria Horner fabrics either? I didn't think so.To further justify things (at least in my head) working on just a "little pillow" means that I'm not going to be off track for long... maybe that's why I make so many of them!?!

I decided to enlarge one of the Chuck Nohara templates so I could make a 20" pillow. So far, I've only made 8" blocks, but things always come together a littler faster when you are working with larger shapes.

This was my first time installing a zipper closure... definitely more work, but I love the end result. I found this tutorial on Pinterest, and of course the Internet is peppered with all kinds of DIY zipper tutorials.

Perhaps you've noticed a new fabric in this project? When I was looking for a background fabric, I of course went to my standard chocolate brown Essex linen that I've used in so many of my other pillows, but it was just a little too intense in it's contrast. Then I remembered this fabulous wool that I purchased a long time ago for another project. I love the little flecks of color throughout, and I thought that if linen works with such a nice result, then why not wool?

painting by Gene Campbell

What about you, do you like to mix other fabric types into your quilting projects? any favorite experiences with wool?


  1. That is a very pretty finish and a pillow that fits right into your home. =) I like it very much. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a lovely fun “filler” project! The wool looks amazing! I adore using osnaburg, chambray and linens, more and more all the time! I have not used wool, but it sure looks great here, and certainly makes sense in a home dec use!

  3. Love this pretty finish with the AMH fabrics!

  4. Gorgeous! I love it with the flecky wool. Very sophisticated. I've used linen and silk in some of my quilting projects, but never wool. How did it feel to stitch thru it as part of the quilt sandwich?

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  7. The wool fabric is really fun looking and as the whole pillow fits very well into your home. The quilting is also great!

    No mixing of materials here yet so if I ever try I know who to "interrogate" :)


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