
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Whirly Girl Release + Shop SALE!

Oh, there's so much to share about the release of my Whirly Girl quilt, where do I begin? How about if I just jump to the good stuff first? part the of Whirly Girl release, I am offering a 20% discount on ALL my patterns in my Payhip shop, just enter the SALE CODE: Whirly. Sale ends Sunday, March 24th (GMT+1)

So, just in case you missed it yesterday, join me on the Whirly Girl blog hop, which starts with me today! Tomorrow, she'll show up with:

Melanie – March 15th
Sandra – March 16th
Alex - March 17th
Judith – March 18th 
Sharni - March 19th

I suppose it's been said, never ask someone to do something that you would not be willing to do yourself, right? And since I asked my testers to make at least a 3 x 3 row Whirly Girl quilt, I thought I could join in with them too!

In all reality, the truth of it is that a while back I ordered a few precious Cotton & Steel fabrics that had caught my eye, and you know how it is sometimes... some fabrics shout a little louder than others that they need to be made into something, and NOW! (am I the only one with talking fabrics?) Have you noticed that soft grey seems to have grown on me?

But somehow no matter how you slice it or dice it, the weather in Northern Germany has just not co-operated with me when it comes to taking photos... she won't pull back that thick veil of grey!?! Ok, well in all fairness, she did for about four days, but three of those four I was out for the count on the couch with a not so pretty cold. I think in some of these pictures you can literally see how thick it is.

I'm just glad that spring is on the way despite the weather... these little blooms are one of my favorites - "Märzbecher" in German, and they are the absolute perfection of spring daintiness.

Not only have I been battling the dense grey, but also the wind. I would have to say that we are give the "Windy City" a good run for their money!

Be sure to follow along on the blog hop this week, and hop on over to Instagrm to check out what my other patterns testers have whipped up - under the #whirlygirlquilt hashtag!


  1. I am so with you: The grey and cold can finally go :) Though the first gloomy and moss rich picture is quite impressive!

  2. I'm still waiting for spring flowers here in Southern Germany... I love your pictures and this version of the quilt!


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