
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Whirly Girl To The Test

The countdown clock has officially started... in just a little over a week, Whirly Girl will make her public appearance! As I mentioned before, I have a really great group of pattern testers, and since I'm stuck behind the computer instead of the sewing machine, I thought it would be fun to share of few of other Whirly Girl versions...

Cecilia decided to use these fabulous Quantum fabrics from guicy_guice... I've been drooling over them for a while, and trying to convince myself that a girl can never have enough fabric.

Hildy had me at low volume and Basic Grey grunge... what a perfect combination for a sweet baby quilt. I've heard that there's already a new little bundle of joy wrapped up in this soft, pastel Whrily Girl quilt.

It's no secret that I am a big Alison Glass fan... give me a highly saturated fabric, and I am a happy girl. Jennifer put a fun rainbow twist on her version of Whrily Girl.

Are there any Tula fans in the house? Then Regina's yummy greens and teals are just the thing for to make #tulatroopsunite.

Bright, fun, and juicy is the only way that I can describe Erica's fun version. Lots of vibrant Cotton & Steel teal, citrons, and fuchsia, make this a fun summer quilt.

Don't you just love how a quilt can take on a completely different look, just by a few fabric changes. To see more of what my pattern testers have done, be sure to check out the #whirlygirlquilt hashtag. 

Whrily Girl releases next Thursday - March 14, 2019!


  1. Allison, I love this block and I love the beautiful "test quilts" Gosh,
    I made a pinwheel quilt years ago, and I after that, I was done with pinwheels bc I just ..... was sick of them. Weird
    This is not a pinwheel quilt but it is twirly and I just adore it. WOW

  2. Same talk going on over here too - some of those guicy guice fabrics might make it into a future shopping order :)

    Love all the Whirly Girl variations! Great to see them all together in one place.


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