
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Summer Stack Fridays Countdown - Two Weeks!

Summer is a time of traveling and for simply taking things slow. For many of us, it means that we have to close the door to our sewing room, and think about how to entertain those kids, and get as much family time in during the long daylight hours.Sometimes it's hard to find the time to even finish a quilt block, but there is always time to pull together a quick, little stack of fabrics, right?

That's why I wanted to host a #summerstackfridays Link-Up Party - the Link-Up will start July 5th and go through August 30th, 2019... so, unplug that iron because there is no need to heat up your sewing room. Make this summer all about the fabric pull... who is with me? There are no prizes or giveaways, but the link-up is simply about...
  • practicing fabric pulls using your current stash
  • pushing yourself to try challenging color combinations
  • documenting fabric pulls that work for you, so that when summer is over, you are ready to start sewing
  • helping others out that might be struggling with fabric combinations, and
  • simply about being more connected to others in the quilting community

When the Link-Up kicks off, I will be sharing how I personally pick fabrics for a quilting project, and covering some tips that might help you with selecting fabrics for your summer stacks. You'll be able to link up from your blog OR from Instagram. Please be sure to let me know if you will be joining in on the summer fun!

... see you in two weeks!


  1. Using my stash has been a focus this year, so this sounds like it could be very interesting! And a great way to see how others combine fabrics too.

  2. For me, this will be very good. I always need help choosing. I am just indecisive.
    I love this collection shown. Enjoy the summer months with the boys


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