
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Summer Applique

I've been taking my summers pretty slow, as you might have noticed... and you too? If you've been following me for a while, then you know that summer means it's time to pull out my Chuck Nohara blocks. Since this has been such a long, and on going project, you might think they've landed on the long forgotten WIP pile, never to be pulled out again... quite the contrary!

My aunt always reminds me that making quilts is not about seeing how many quilts you can finish in a year, but about enjoying the process. When I'm on an everyday schedule, it seems that I don't find the time to work on highly intensive applique blocks.

Usually when I take an applique project somewhere to work on it, I don't have my sewing machine with me. And just the opposite, when I am using my sewing machine, I usually am not thinking about applique. I've actually had several shapes from this block finished, but just needed to add the simple stitching

... and since I am keeping things slow this summer, I am also keeping things short, so I'll see you on Sunday for the #summerstacksundays with the theme "soft summer".


  1. I love these. They make me want to get to my sewing room and sew - or at least go buy fabric!

  2. Allison, this applique is so so cute.
    I never used to enjoy hand sewing projects (like my mom DID) but now that I am running all over town with dad and grandbabies etc etc, I carry my sewing kit and make hexies. Grand girls love hexie flowers
    Your work is so pretty

  3. I love your aunts perspective. I am working on so many quilts for myself that I am thinkinig: What should I do with all of them... mhhh... but as it is about the process :) It is just nice to sew to relieve some stress xo

  4. Your aunt and I think alike! I often pull out the same quilts to work on each different season, and they take a couple of years to complete. But I don’t mind that at all! It’s of them are scrap quilts and I can only work on them once I’ve generated more scraps. I love your bright and cheery Applique Block. Gosh, I wish I had the patience to do all that prep work. The end results are so gorgeous.


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