
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Enjoy the Silence

Stillness and Quiet. And I think it is obvious why... our lives are now changed and we are enjoying that small window of time where life moves so, so slowly. Taking time to really soak in and enjoy the "forced rest"... the calm after the storm. We made it through, and we are FOUR!

Enjoy the Silence.


  1. YEAHHHH!!!!! congratulations!!! that's amazing. i wish you all the best!!!

  2. Liebe Allison1 Habe ich das richtig verstanden? ihr habt ein zweites Kind? Alles, alles Gute wünsche ich euch von Herzen!
    Astrid aus Köln

  3. BIIIG congratulations to you and the new baby!!! Enjoy every second and be blessed with lots of precious moments! Simone

  4. Congratulations! That is so exciting! I hope the delivery was an easy one.

  5. alles gute!! genießt die zeit und ja, gönnt euch ruhe.

    liebe grüße, doro K.


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