
Monday, October 8, 2012

Long Overdue Introduction

I suppose it is time to introduce you to the reason for my silence. Another sweet and precious boy with a full head of hair... just like his brother. I've been recovering slowly and have taken the time to ease into our new life status... so, let me intoduce you to:

Samuel Elias Richter
September 12, 2012

Now is the time that we are getting to know our new little guy, and he is gettting to know us.

... and you know what? I think we've decided to keep him ; )


  1. Liebe Allison, wie schön, deinen zweiten kleinen Sohn kennenzulernen! Er sieht wirklich so besonders aus mit seinen langen Haaren. Ich wünsche dir, dass du alle Zeit der Welt hast, dich um dich selbst & deine beiden Kinder zu kümmern & dich wieder zu erholen.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  2. soooo cute!
    enjoy your time together!
    by the way - samuel is a really nice name. :)

  3. Ich freue mich für euch: Alles Liebe für den kleinen Schatz. Möge er gedeihen und jederzeit mit Glück und Gesundheit bedacht sein.



  4. He is so lovely! I think I can smell his newness all the way over here. Enjoy! They don't stay little for long as you know. What does big brother think??

  5. oh, he is ADORABLE!! So glad all is well! {{hugs}}


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