
Wednesday, May 6, 2015


I've been doing a lot of experimenting these days.... things that I've had on my to-do/to-try list for quite some time. When I had visited the Edyta Sitar workshop at the beginning of  the year, as part of the workshop we received a kit for her Little Butterflies mini quilt. I had decided that this small project would be perfect for experimenting with free motion quilting. The whole time I was working on this, I have to admit that I was thinking.... how in the world would I be able to manage a whole quilt. Ok, ok, this is the part where I have to remind myself... little bites.

After working with these sweet butterflies, I knew I wanted to repeat this project, but with a modern twist... then it hit me that the handcrafted prints and sun prints from Alison Glass were just the thing - modern versions of batiks, if you like. So, my basket project, that I thought would be on the backburner for quite a while, actually moved to the front burner a lot faster than I expected. I still have a couple of bodies to finish, but it's amazing to me how the same project takes on a completely different look with just a little fabric change!

I also really like how the project looks totally different by framing out the butterflies. I do, however, have to give credit where credit is due... it was my husband's idea to offset the butterflies alternately. (how great is that that the hubster gives me input?!?) Now for my usual dilemma... say it with me everyone - SIZE?!? Either I add some offset borders to make this a small baby size quilt or I go all out and make it big enough for a bed, but then that in itself creates the next dilemma of how to quilt it. Any thoughts?

Linking up to WIP Wednesday.


  1. I would go with straight line stitching and perhaps a little FMQ but all over FMQ might get frustrating when you are new to it. :)

  2. Delicious dilemma! Beautiful butterflies! Quilting quandary!

    Seriously crushing on those sweet fluyyerbies!

  3. Love the offset butterflies! Beautifully done.

  4. Oooooh I LOVE this! I love the first version, but I REALLY love the modern take on it. The offset butterflies on super bright Alison Glass prints, with the text borders: perfecto! I think I would quilt it free motion style, with a swirl that makes it look like each butterfly is flitting off on its own path (maybe even just the single swirly butterfly path for each butterfly, with a different FMQ pattern in between). Then I would probably do different quilting on the actual butterflies (maybe). Then again, I do EVERYTHING the hard way, so leave it to me to come up with some make-it-up-as-you-go plan. It's gorgeous any way you look at it!

  5. Wonky concentric squares. It would be lovely to do each square individually, but if using a walking foot, that seems to me to be too much quilt turning. Doing the whole in this manner would echo the square nature of the the block within a block pattern, and refer back to the offset nature of the inner blocks. I must give credit to my husband, to whom I showed your quilt. This is his idea, and I liked it as well!

  6. Love the modern approach to the butterflies. Husband had a great idea to offset the butterflies. I think it's charming in the small size.

  7. I really love your updated version.


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