
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mother's Pickledish

Which crafter or quilter doesn't have at least one Pinterest board filled with inspiration and projects that keep calling, "make me, make me"? I found a mini quilt project recently, and as soon as I saw it, I knew I had to make it... here is my inspiration pin. Since I didn't have the book that was mentioned, I decided to use the free Pickledish pattern from Aneela Hoey. I did, however, make one minor change to her pattern. My fabric placement was way off when sewing the arches according to the directions, and I found I needed to add drawn lines to the arch template. Isn't that the beauty of a paper pieced pattern... just sew on the lines?

As part of my revised goals, it's been important to me is to try a variety of quilting techniques. Essentially the core of what I want to accomplish this year is to simply experiment.This mini project had me working on some curved piecing, which I've never really done in a quilting application before. I have to say that even though the technique has quite a bad reputation, I was pleased with the end result.

I really wanted to go with a dark background like in my inspiration piece, but in the end I felt like it was a nicer contrast with the low volume fabrics. Since I am using the piece on my table, I wanted to stick with some simple quilting.

I thought my Mother's Day bouquet of flowers looked custom made for my little table topper. When I'm not a pink and green girl, I'm totally an orange girl.

... and even my "big guy" gave me his own special bouquet. (he even did the flower arranging all by himself)

Much like Marianne Dashwood, I'm somewhat partial to freshly picked wildflowers to those grown in the hot house... how about you?


  1. This is beautiful, Allison! Nice finish! I have dabbled in curves, but want to give it another go to build my confidence. A few months ago I tried writing a pattern including curves, but I kept getting the templates wrong by *just* enough to make it not work. I think trying an existing pattern would be a good alternative. This one looks fab!

    I'm also much more a fan of picked wildflowers than store-bought, but I do love pretty much all flowers. It's amazing how much a bouquet of fresh flowers brightens the house.

  2. Oh, I really want to try a pickle dish one day - this is Lovely! Thank you for visiting my blog today!

  3. Oh I adore this. The colours just sing. Your work is so inspiring at present!!

  4. I take my hat off to any quilter who tackles curves - I'm too scared to even attempt them. Obviously the effort is worth it, because this is lovely! And you, me and Marianne Dashwood are obviously women of taste. :)

  5. Your pickle dish is so cheery! and I love both of your bouquets :-) My husband has been picking me daisies from the side of the road and I love them so much!!

    Happy sewing and trying new things ~ Tracy

  6. Kitty & Patchwork Polly... well, you know what they say about practice? I guess that's why I chose such a small project - to practice. Since it's not a big quilt, it hurts a little less if you run into problems along the way. I highly recommend putting it on a list of things to try!

  7. Love your pickle dish and the low volume background is great. I love that LV print. Wondering what your meant about the pattern being off though. I'd like to try it.

  8. Oh my god I love this! Great bright colours and love the orange binding! This is going on my list of to-do's!


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