
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Looking back on 2015

Blogs and Instagram feeds are flooded right now with best of’s and upcoming 2016 goals, and while I tend to be a spontaneous, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants, procrastinating kind of gal when it comes to my sewing projects, I recognize the importance of reflecting on accomplishments and successes, while looking for areas to improve. I thought that Cheryl from Meadow Mist Designs had some great insights for looking back at top projects in 2015.

To start out, one of my top accomplishments for 2015 has simply been blogging on a regular basis. I never put this in black and white, but it has been my silent and personal goal this whole last year. 2013 was a low point for me as far as blogging goes, only blogging about once a month… but I had just had baby number two, was working a lot, and with my husband being gone so much, not to mention a complete loss of inspiration, something just had to give… and that was blogging. But in 2014 I was slowly able to get back into thing and managed to double my posts, and  this year I almost doubled that and posted at least once a week. Posting once a week may not sound like much, but for a mom of two kids under five, it’s huge!

As far as actual sewing projects go, my project with the most views was my Swell quilt finish… geez, this thing was so huge and took such a long time to make, but considering the fact that it was my second quilt, I have decided to not be too hard on myself for taking so long to finish it. While I am not new to sewing, I am new to quilting, and I learned quite a few things from this one!

My Best Conversations Posts were actually what I call “life” posts… the kind that aren’t just talking about which quilting techniques, etc, but about life and emotions… the thing that makes you feel more connected to other bloggers. If you missed this top conversation post, read at your own risk, or at least wait until you have some tissues with you… this project has actually inspired me for another special project in 2016!

Best Free Pattern Post actually has a couple of winners… my Deck the Halls pattern has had the most visits, but I couldn’t end the year without talking about my mini’s just one more time. While it might not appear as a huge project with a fantastic finish posts, I was able to learn so much from such intense little projects… 

And also noteworthy was my “Mochi Necklace” tutorial that I did for Sew Mama Sew at the beginning of this year. While the tutorial is technically “not mine” anymore, it was still a big accomplishment for me in many ways, and a kick off post back into the land of blogging.

At the end of last year “While She Naps” blog author, Abby Glassenberg, had broadcasted a fabulous interview with Kathy Mack of Pink Chalk Fabrics and  Kristin Link of Sew Mama Sew. This was exactly what I needed to hear to inspire me to move forward with the hardest thing I have done this year… shutting down my long time online fabric shop. It’s amazing that when I reflect on it just a few short months after the fact,  it’s the best decision that we made in 2015,  and I don’t regret it... not for one second! I’m not sure why it took me so long to figure out why I was holding onto something for so long that was simply not bringing any benefit into my life!

If you prefer the condensed version of a little less talk and a lot more action, you can check out a few of my IG best… the irony of it is that while I am a windy girl myself, I'm totally a picture girl!

What was your biggest accomplishment in 2015? 


  1. Great bests post! Your finishes are beautiful, thanks for linking up!

  2. Thank you, Allison, for sharing your wonderful projects from 2015 with us, you have accomplished a lot! Your projects surely are an inspiration and I'm very happy to be your fellow quilting bee!!

  3. Wow! Such beautiful projects. May 2016 bring you many hours of quilty happiness!

  4. It has been a great pleasure to have gotten to know you over the past year. And even more so, to have been able to see your beautiful projects. You are a wonderful inspiration, Allison! Thank you for sharing and here's to looking ahead to the New Year! Happy 2016!

  5. Beautiful work! Your post about shutting down your shop really resonated with me because I'm in the midst of selling off inventory at my cross stitch shop so I can close it. I want to spend more time with my kids, homeschooling and having fun! :)

  6. Your blog has been one of my favourite finds for 2015, found via a picture on pinterest. Some beautiful finishes this year.
    All the best for a creative 2016.

  7. Wow, what a beautiful blog post on a year in review! You really accomplished your secret goal and you know how much I admire you for it! Enjoy your lovely finishes and I wish you all the best for 2016 - lots of blessings!

  8. Thanks for sharing your wonderful projects and pictures! I didn't have the time and nerve for a real review but I love reading other's :-) My goal for 2016 is finishing all my unfinished projects - we'll see whether I'll succeed. And my biggest accomplishment? Getting my whole family together for Christmas and New Year :-) Or designing the pattern for my Schnitzel and Boo Swap partner... Have a great, happy and healthy New Year!

  9. I, for one, am very happy that you are blogging on a regular-ish basis :-) I'm always pleased to see a new post when I stop by and I'm a big fan of your work (and fabric choices!)(Just as a refresher - I found you when you shared Facing East via Lee's WiP Wednesdays, which is, incidentally my favorite link up - I've found so many great bloggers :-)
    hmmm. biggest accomplishment of 2015? My black and white Dresden was a pretty major accomplishment! Oh - I've got it - being able to earn money by sewing, and use that money to buy THREE sewing machines for Rahab's Rope so that women rescued from slavery can learn to sew, so they'll have a skill with which to support themselves and their families.
    Happy New Year ~ Tracy


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