
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Planned Roadblocks & Ditches

When I start a new project, very rarely do I plan everything out from start to fininsh down to the last stitch. Perhaps that's why I always run into bumps, ditches, hiccups, and roadblocks all along the way. First threre are size issues, then the issue of whether to follow the pattern as is or add to it, border vs no border, and let's not talk about the nightmare of the long wait if you need additional quilting supplies shipped to Germany!?! 

Even though I have several projects in the works, despite how it might appear, I really am conscious of bringing all those backburner projects to the front again once each issue is sorted out. Usually if I put it on hold for a while, then somehow that "break" gives me the time to process the direction that I want to take it.

I was finally able to connect my Farm Girl Vintage blocks, but you can imagine how frustrated I was when I had run out of the sashing fabric right in the middle of trying to finish it! So when I had to re-order the sweet swiss dots fabric, a "few" stowaways just happened to mysteriously fall into my cart... I'm still trying to figure out how that happened?!? Does that happen to you too?

In addition to some Erin Michael low volumes that I've been drooling over, I added a few jewel tone colors from the 2015 Basic Grey grunge basics. I've been in the home stretch of finishing my Facing East blocks for some time now, but had decided to put that too on hold until they came in... and now I've even been able to whip up four blocks with the new colors!

... well, now there's nothing to hold me back from some finishes! (except maybe for Christmas, life with kids, and a flooded basement where I keep my quilt design wall!... you know, life!)

Do you plan your quilts start to finish? If so, do you find that you run into less snags? Or are you more spontaneous with your quilting projects? If so, do you find that run into more snags?

Linking up this week to WIP Wednesday and Let's Bee Social. 


  1. I am excited to see both of your projects coming along. The Farm Girl Vintage blocks look sweet with the Swiss Dot sashing. And those other blocks are gorgeous with those bright colours against the text background. I used to be a spontaneous quilter. But as I have gone along, I have tried to rein myself in and get everything worked out before beginning a new project. Yes, more planning usually means less snags, that's for certain!

  2. A flooded basement? Oh nooooo! After letting a few finished tops languish while waiting to get the finishing materials, I am in the same spot as you...a whole lineup of projects on which to proceed :) It is a good feeling!!! My budget for batting and backings, and the actual making of a trip to town are my most common project derailleurs! But I am back on the road now!!! I hope your basement dries out for you soooon!

  3. The colors in the Farm Girl quilt are beautiful! Love the brightness and each block is wonderful! You peeked my interest on the Facing East blocks ~ love the solids very much! You know me, I usually fly by the seat of my pants when making quilts! Lately I have been very 'controlled', but I'm itching to make something crazy. Maybe after the holidays!

  4. Love your farm girl blocks and you can not go wrong with grunge on hand! I like to think I have a plan but truthfully I am at my best when I run into snags like not enough fabric.I will not get more I make do with something else that usually changes the design and thus it comes from me. I like that, when it is said and done I feel like I created something special plus I got a brain workout. I think it all happens because that is the way it is meant to be. Hate to hear about a flooded basement. That just sucks the creative right out of me..we have a skylight issue and it is taking way to much time out of my creative being.

  5. I once had a flooded basement and I think I know, what you are going through... :-( I keep my fingers crossed that it will dry out soon because with Christmas coming along there is already enough work to be done - even without that little "extra thrill"...
    I really love your farm girl blocks, the colors are wonderful. I always plan my projects thoroughly but usually I change something while working on it :-)

  6. I am getting so excited to see Facing East ~ it is looking sooo good. I think I need some of those grunge fabrics, and I love that collection of low volumes!
    Oh, man! So sorry about your flooded basement; that really stinks!
    I am definitely a planner by nature, although I do occasionally have quilts that like to dictate the direction they'd like to take, and I've found it best to just listen and make adjustments ;-)
    I hope your Christmas was merry and bright (and dry!)


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