
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

#30daysoffabricstacks challenge

Stitched in Color, is hosting a really fun challenge on Instagram, sharing fabric stacks from your stash based on certain themes for 30 days. (details on her blog) The whole idea behind it is to push and stretch yourself beyond your go-to color palettes. Perhaps you already know this about me, but pulling fabrics for a project is my favorite part of making a quilt (if only I felt that ways about actually quilting quilts, then I'd have it made). There are several color palettes that have been a challenge for me, and several that I would have never explored otherwise...

Day 1 #trueblue. This one is a bit of a challenge since blue is my second to last fabric that I grab for my projects... not to say that I don't use it at all, but it's not a natural for me when there are colors like green around.

Day 2 #ethereal. Despite the fact that I usually tend towards high popping contrasts when it comes to a color palette, there is a real appeal to me to have alluring and subtle contrasts. These soft corals, lilacs, pale aquas, and chartreuse accents give a quiet, yet impactful punch.

Day3 #orange. There was once a time that I literally had at least a touch of orange in every room in my house. I grew up with orange, and if I had it my way, there would still be orange carpet in my parents living room today. (uh oh, I'm dating myself as a 70's child) In any case, I recall that an orange and fuchsia color palette appealed to me even at a young age.

Day 4 #newfabric. As silly as it may sound, most of my fabric shopping consists of stash building rather than buying fabrics for specific projects. I have my go-to colors, and I am confident in my preferences. Even though I am simply adding fabrics to my stash, sometimes it ends up looking like a planned project instead.

Day 5 #baby. I know that it's possible to create gender neutral quilts for babies, but I much prefer more gender specific projects instead. Since I ended up with three boys in the house, (the one I married and the other two that look like me) I never really had a chance to play around with fabrics that I might have chosen had one of them been a girl.

Day 6 #folksyfall. I was actually really excited to "re-visit" this color palette... doesn't it remind you of this project? I'm quite drawn to bold and stark contrasts on a deep chocolate background. It gives another kind of pop than if it were on a light background.

In case you are wondering, there's still time to join the contest... it runs until August 6th, and in any case, it's good practice and fun to re-discover old favorites that might be hidden in your stash.


  1. These are beautiful fabric selections equally beautiful presented =)

  2. I do love pulling fabric also (though my stacks are always a lot taller ;-) These are all so pretty, but my vary favorite is the baby stack.
    (thanks for the LV link the other day!! :-)

  3. What a fun challenge! I love your bold autumn colors. I need to remember chocolate brown as a neutral, it's really a great base.

    Like you, I rarely buy fabric for a particular project, preferring instead to simple extend my stash and shop my own pieces when designing a quilt! :)

  4. Hello. I came upon your blog for the first time today, and Wow, your fabric choices are beautiful. Thanks for going to the trouble to share.


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