
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

FREE Summer Smoothie Block Tutorial

Even though it's still a few weeks away until it's my turn to be queen bee, I needed to get things prepared ahead of time for my fellow bee members since I have a couple pressing deadlines for the last part of June. Since I will be sharing the block construction with them anyway, I decided to share it with you too!

Start by printing the free drunkard's path template to actual size. Here's what else you'll need for the Summer Smoothie block:

Cut 4 - outer curve pieces (using A template)
Cut 4 - inner curve pieces (using B template)
Cut 4 - 2.5" x 4.5" rectangles
Cut 1 - 2.5" square

Just so we start things off on the right foot, let me just reassure you that if you've never sewn curves before, they really are not as scary as their reputation. The main thing to remember is to TAKE. YOUR. TIME... these aren't half square triangles, you know. There are so many methods, but I prefer the no pin/or ease method for sewing curves. (check out a few YouTube videos here) One major help, in my opinion, is sewing with a template that is slightly larger than the finished block size, so that one has room for error and can trim to the correct size.

With that being said, once you have your four drunkard's path blocks together, you will want align your ruler so it is1" from the curve, as shown below, and trim.

Rotate the block and trim to 4.5". Repeat with additional blocks.

NOTE: If you are using a directional print for the inner curve, you will want to make sure that you cut the print in the same direction on each set. Below you can see how the print is running horizontal on one block, and diagonal on the other.

Essentially this is a nine patch block, and the assembly comes together in a snap... just stitch the rows together, and then assemble the connected rows for your finished Summer Smoothie Block.

These blocks are super fun and look great horizontal or on point.

Have fun mixing up your Summer Smoothie just how you like it!

Linking up this week to Let's Bee Social.


  1. That is a lovely tutorial. Thank you for sharing it Allison. The block looks very appetizing.

  2. Hi Allison, I think I am brave enough to try a Summer Smoothie block or two. But I am unable to download the free template. Do you have any suggestions for me? Rebecca

    1. Hi Rebecca, sorry about the problems with the link. I have now corrected it and it should work. Let me know if you cannot download it and I will send you the PDF directly per email. Enjoy!

  3. Very nice tutorial and block Allison. It's a great name for the block as well given the colours you used. I just may make this block's very tempting.

  4. How fun! There is a similar Chuck Nohara block that I was hand quilting last night.

  5. Thanks a gorgeous block! I'm always looking for ways to use my Drunkard's Path Accuquilt die. That's a great idea. Come link up at Mama Sparks World for a chance to win the giveaway. Tell her Kathy S. sent you.

  6. Very nice tutorial! This is a neat block.

  7. Wonderful! :-) Great tutorial!

  8. This is a great block with so much potential, nice tutorial too, thank you for sharing :)

  9. Excellent tutorial for a fun block. Finishes at 10", correct? I love it! I've pinned it to help me try to remember to make at least one. I have a funny feeling it's one of those blocks that you can't stop making! Thanks for the tute!

  10. Thank you for this funny tutorial!


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