
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Blind Stitching & Sneak Peeks... Again!

There comes a point where you have so many secret projects in the works, that something just has to give... you can't keep everything under wraps forever, right? Don't you think it's about time for yet another teaser from the medallion quilt I am currently writing the pattern for?

This is actually the bonus project that will be included with my medallion quilt pattern, and I decided to finish the applique shapes with a blind stitch. I love applique, but I don't love a zig-zag finish. I love a smooth, finished edge, but find that a straight stitch gets me to my end goal quicker, BUT... there are those times that I want the finished stitches to be seen as little as possible, and a blind stitch is the best way to get there. In case you've never sewn with a blind stitch, here's how it looks:

Most modern sewing machines have a blind stitch, or at least one that is quite similar. There are few important things to remember when sewing with a blind sticth.

Use an invisible thread. I've tried several brands, but I prefer the Aurfil thread for this. If you've never used an invisible thread or a blind stitch, there a couple things to think about. Firstly, only use an invisible thread for your top thread, and a normal thread for the bobbin thread. Another major plus point is that when you use an invisible thread, you don't have to change thread colors with each new applique shape.

Adjust stitch length and width. This part is determined somewhat by preference, but it is important to adjust both. In the picture below,  you can see the normal setting for the blind stitch on my machine. 

By shortening the stitch length, I am assured that there is no puckering on my applique shape once it's sewn. I also shorten the stitch width so the "grab/bite stitch" isn't so wide, which makes it not as visible.

When stitching the straight stitch part of the blind stitch, if you sew as close to the shape as possible, then there is only a small, little "bite" on the top of the applique that shows. If you would prefer, then you can shorten the stitch length even more so that there is an even smaller bite that catches the shape.

Keep the tension low. It's important to lower the thread tension, otherwise you end with with puckering and pulling since an invisible thread does not act the same as a normal thread.

Even though I'm already on the pattern writing part of this quilt, I'm still stuck on it's name. My first thought was "Birds of a Feather", but a few of my quilting friends thought it was a little predictable. Thoughts? Suggestions?


  1. What a useful post. I shall bookmarkit for future use. Thank you.

  2. YOu are such a busy little bee!! Your shapes are all so perfect! beautiful!
    Hmmmm. I don't have a name suggestion (yet) but I agree that 'birds of a feather' is probably *not* your best choice....
    happy creating ~ Tracy
    (don't you mean shorten the stitch width even more if you want a smaller bite?)

  3. I've used the invisible thread two times before. The only thing that bothers me is that you can't iron it. I think this stitch and the matching thread are more beautiful than a straight stitch. However, applique by hand is for sure the most beautiful way to attach it.

    Best Mareike

  4. I love these fresh citrusy/melony colors and the cute shapes. How about "Feeling Chirpy"?

  5. Good information, thank you! Your applique work is really pretty, it looks so neat.


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