
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Center Of It All

Perhaps you've noticed already that Wednesdays are my posting days. It was actually something that I had started after I had re-joined the blogging world, and was linking up weekly with WIP Wednesdays. (ah, remember those days?) Having a set date actually keeps me motivated to keep up with posting, but it doesn't always match the current progress of projects that I might be working on. Right now, I'm literally just a day or two away from sharing my finished medallion quilt top, but that would mean you would have to wait... hmmm. But you certainly didn't think that I would leave you with the Wednesday high-and-dry's, did you?

So this week, I'm sharing the center medallion of the quilt pattern that I am currently writing. Next week is the flimsy finish with the applique borders, including the story behind the inspiration. After that, comes the fun part of continued writing and editing the pattern to get it into the hands of pattern testers - goal is end of September with a February release...

 ... but until then, I'll just let these two lovebirds take center stage.

Interested in pattern testing?... just let me know. Oh, and keep those name suggestions coming in.


Your comments are what makes blogging fun for me!