
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Catching Up & Quilt Finish

It was not my intention to be MIA for so long. Good intentions are sometimes just that... which is why my summer vacation whisked me away without so much as a peep. Traveling for long periods of time and blogging don't exactly fit together, not to mention lugging sewing supplies here and there... (although I did a little of that too) 

... so I'm back from my vacation, and it looks like I have a lot of cacthing up to do. I had planned my Zen Chic Contrasting quilt as a present for my parents to match these pillows, and had a deadline to get it finished before I flew in. There was a point when I thought I might have to bind it once I got in. Luckily I was able finish it and snap a few pictures before I left, but didn't have enough time to share them here... and then the laziness and business of summer set in.

I used the different meeting points in the quilt for my quilting lines, and it seemed natural to keep this with simple straight line quilting. Like my Facing East quilt, I varied the widths of the lines for interest, and if I'm being completely honest... it gets done faster than if I had quilted them all the same width.

... and what else would you expect, but a pieced back? I suppose that it's turning into my trademark. Sometimes it does feel a little like making a second quilt top, but I like putting those leftover bits to good use.

... are you somehow hearing the song "Fields of Gold" in your mind about now? I loved shooting a few pictures in these wheat fields. Hmmm... it makes me think that I should plan all my quilts to match whatever is blooming in the fields outside.

Stay tuned for a few more catch up posts... so, how was your summer?

Quilt: Pattern: Contrasting from Brigitte Heitland for Zen Chic 
Started: May 2018
Fabrics: Basic Grey Grunge fabrics
Finished quilt size: ca. 57" x 65" in. (ca. 145  x 165 cm)


  1. This looks Wunderbarrrrrr
    What a fun cool happy quilt. I like the quilting too.

  2. Love the whole quilt. Design, fabrics, quilting, backing... hope it was well received! And the pictures in the wheat field are just great :)

  3. This is a stunning quilt showcased by a lovely photo shoot! I’ll bet your folks were oh, so very pleased!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oooh! Love that picture with all the wheat showing. What a pretty meeting of worlds!

  6. Love it Allison, sorry to say, but the back even more than the front!

    Greetings Christiane


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