Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just a Notion

What sewing notions do you like to collect?... come on now, I know I'm not the only one, right? For some it's old thread & bobbins, for others vintage sewing patterns, while some swoon over antique sewing accessories, or maybe you're like my husband and only new technology interests you... but if you've gotten caught up in the world of creating then you must collect something. I must confess that I fell victim to another of my notion weaknesses... and I just couldn't resist adding these pretty buttons to the shop. It's even harder to resist using them all up! I'm always on the lookout for how one can use these wonderful accents and project completers. Here's a few sweet button inspired...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

auf dem Land II

When we're "auf dem Land" (in the country) my husband is mesmerized by the tractors, the fields, the harvest... but I can find a good number of other things that capture my attention....

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

auf dem Land

I guess from time to time I enjoy writing about something other than fabrics and sewing (yeah, I know, a little hard to believe, huh?) But since I've been much more occupied with other outside projects instead of my usual inside passion, this might seem just about as far away from fabrics as one can get. As I've shared before, my husband comes from a farming family, and he himself has had a passion for tractors, soil, and flat fields as far as the eye can see since he was about my son's age. One could defintately say in his case that you can take the boy out of the farm, but you can't take the "farmer" out of the boy. Even though I have been around large machinery all my life (my...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Drumroll, please...

So, how long have you been sitting there this morning, like a perched, hungry lion waiting to hear who won? Hopefully you've been sitting perched on a sun chair somewhere warm... wheh, temperature shock for me coming back to Germany from the 95 (35) degree weather we were having in the States! ... what's that you say... stop rambling on and tell us for Pete's sake who won!?! O.K, O.K, ... a big Granddaddy of a congratulations goes out to Gill! I really loved hearing about everyone's work in progress... so now that jet lag is somewhat manageable, I hope to get started on a few projects of my ow...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Giveaway Reminder! (and more!)

If you happened to miss the big "Granddaddy of a Giveaway"... you still have a few days left to leave a comment to win Amy Butler's "Style Stitches" book, one meter of fabric from Anna Maria Horner's LouLouThi fabric, and Jessica Jones ribbons! Winner annoucned August 17th! Speaking of giveaways, did you happen to see the fabulous book that Juliette is giving away on her blog? She's giving away a copy of "The Handmade Home" by interiors stylist and designer Sania Pell, and get this... the book is in English AND German! ("LieblingsDeko: Schöner wohnen mit kreativen Ideen") Don't miss your chance for two great August giveaway...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Water, Cousins & Kisses

I find that summers can either be extremely busy and full of action, or really slow and relaxing... for me this summer has been both. For the little guy it has been a summer full of impressions and getting really attached to his family on the other side of the pond, especially the family members that are a little closer to his size. Still running in summer mode and not looking forward to jet lag... see you all so...
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