There is nothing like a first snow! It's like it almost brings out the kid in me.. reminiscing about waiting to see if it had snowed so much that school would be canceled, snow ball fights, winter boots and scarves. Despite all the exciting things that snow brings, there is something so pure and still about a first snow.

It was thrilling to wake up and peer out the window at the cold, white blanket that covered the even brought out a few friends. I think only Leo showed up today, but a busy little squirrel was running here and there, evidently just as excited as I was.

As much as I love snow, I always hate to see it go. Snow doesn't last long here, but that was OK for today because I had lots of outside work to do. Planting tulips and daffodils, looking forward to the joy they will bring in spring, announcing that summer will soon follow. Of course if one must work, it is better to do it in style.

It was thrilling to wake up and peer out the window at the cold, white blanket that covered the even brought out a few friends. I think only Leo showed up today, but a busy little squirrel was running here and there, evidently just as excited as I was.

As much as I love snow, I always hate to see it go. Snow doesn't last long here, but that was OK for today because I had lots of outside work to do. Planting tulips and daffodils, looking forward to the joy they will bring in spring, announcing that summer will soon follow. Of course if one must work, it is better to do it in style.