I Made the Front Page!
OK, so I'm really excited! I have been listing some of my products, mostly my fabric, since July of this year on a site called Dawanda. Basically the site sells handcrafted items and supplies in Europe. I think the site started in Germany and now England and France are launching "sister" sites that are connected with the main site. You can literally find items from all over the world who are trying to reach European buyers. I've had some good luck with selling fabric.They have opportunity for members to create what are called pinboards to post on the main site. This is a collection of items that a member puts together of other sellers items based on a theme, color, or whatever floats your boat. Well,.....today mine was featured on the main page! This could really increase my hits on my shop! I just had to share. Tula Pink fabric featured on my "Walk in the Forest" pinboard.

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