Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Not Just and Overnight Guest

Are you like me?... every time company comes there is a whirlwind of action going on - cleaning, straightening, checking one more thing off the "I'll get around to it list" just before the overnight guests arrive?As I've already told you, we have a very special guest on the way. But the difference is that this guest plans to stay for quite a while. Even though it feels a little like getting ready for weekend company, things really have been about shifting and making room for new things, and finding homes for those things that piled up way too long until a new home could be found for them.I'm doing things... lots of things. I'm busy. I'm marking things off my list that have been neglected for...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Where it All Began

A simple sketch.That's where it all began... really. And I guess the encouragement of a good friend. I never really set out to design my own ribbons, and truth be told, I'm not even one of those self-described "always used to doodle on everything I could get my hands on" kind of girl. It's my dad who I consider the artist of the family. I am the one who creates things using other things.... but like I said, I started with just a simple sketch. One doodle became two, and two doubled, and somehow I ended up with a basic sketch. It seems that I like to draw on graph paper, although not because I am following the lines or trying to keep things in scale. I just like it.I would have to say that the...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

HEUTE - 12% bei Dawanda

Dies könnte Euch interessieren... es gibt heute 12% Rabatt in unserem Still Water Designs Shop auf Dawanda! Neue Stoffe, Schnittmuster, Webbänder und mehr im Angeb...
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