Would you like to meet my latest distraction?... on my desk right now is a mini mini swap that tempted me to abandon set aside quilting on my Swell quilt. I'm super happy with the quilting progress that I've made... but gee, this thing is so big that I need to have several things going at once to keep things interesting. Next week I'll share my free tutorial for this little mini mini quilt, five inches to be exact, that I made for Kitty... but for this week I'll just leave you with the teaser.
Additionally, I finished a few blocks for a charity quilt that is to be auctioned off for the Free The Girls Project. The FTGP is a FAWCO target program which "focuses on women's rights as human rights,...
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Puppy Love Quilting
When it comes to quilting projects, sometimes I feel like a fickle, first grader... sending silly love notes like: I like you. Do you like me? Check yes or no. Some days I check "yes", swooning over colors, fabric choices, and patterns. Other days, I check "no" and ask myself "what was I thinking? why did I pick that? and when will I ever get this frazzlin' thing done?!? I assume that I am not the only on who experiences the very Jekyll and Hyde-like mood swings that come with working on a long term quilting project.
While I am not about to spout sonnets of adoration for my Swell quilt, I am rediscovering a new found fondness that I had somehow lost along the very long way... especially...
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Life Happens
It doesn't always work out that everyday is a day at the sewing machine. Sometimes writing a sewing or crafting blog can be challenging because generally posts tend towards "look what I made this last week" or "look what I'm working on now", which can seldom give a real life glimpse into the everyday of a crafter. Explanations of "geee... life has been so busy that I didn't have time to sew this week" just doesn't cut it, and who wants to hear that post after post anyway? With that being said, let's just say that my crafting over the last few weeks has been that step back from the crafting room to enjoy the everyday... days of birthdays, new kindergarten days, not to mention the to-do lists...
let's bee social
modern beauty block
pile o fabric
wip wednesday
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Well, Not Mine Exactly
Despite the fact that I am notorious for starting a new project in the middle of an exsiting one, let me reassure you that this "new" project is not exactly MY new project. This summer I was asked if I would like to join a quilting bee, and I decided to jump in on the fun. We are only six bee members in total, but I really like the idea of being just a handful, which gives us two months instead of only one to finish blocks. With all that I have on my plate, not to mention little ones in the mix, I wanted to leave
no room for "life getting in the way" of finishing up my blocks, so I
decided to finish my blocks as soon as possible.
I have to admit that I was a little bit nervous...
Thursday, September 3, 2015
WV Quilt Festival Part II
Just ask the majority quilters how many WIP's they have in the works, and you might find just as many red-faced, embarrassed, sheepish, and purposefully underestimated answers that come back to you. (self included) We all ask ourselves continuously how this happens... sometimes there are legitimate reasons and answers, and sometimes we really can't come up with a proper excuse. Reality check aside, we all have that WIP pile.
When I shared pictures from my visit to the West Virginia Quilt Festival this summer, I knew that there were too many to share in just one post. Even though I am totally a picture girl, more is sometimes just more, isn't it?
Flipping for just a bit......
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
The Great Harvest
When it comes to farm living, planting,
growing, harvesting, and storing up so that the cycle can be carried on
into the next year is central to the way of life. I've been pondering such things while working on my Farm Girl Vintage blocks, and I think that this verse tells of the wisdoms of planning and preparing for the things that are ahead: The ants are a people not strong, yet they lay up their food in the summer. Proverbs 30:25
Even though I did not grow up on a farm, I do remember canning yummy, homemade cinnamon applesauce with my mom. I can still see the funny little cone with holes with all that deliciousness oozing out the sides. Working in the kitchen with her on various cooking...
farm girl vintage
let's bee social
lori holt
wip wednesday
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