Did you ever try out for anything in high school?... for a cheerleader, a sports team, or even a main character of a play? I guess we all know how important auditions can be... really getting to see who fits the open spot the best.
I notice that after I finish a major project, I find that I need some kind of quick sewing project as a way to catch my breath from the mountain that I just climbed... and after having made it to the top of my Mt. Everest, I thought that playing around with some possible blocks for when I am queen bee would be a nice little distraction before I take a deep breath to gear up for some finishes.
There are three quilts that have captured my attention recently,...
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Friday, February 19, 2016
Mini Mini Goes Practical
If you are a hand quilter then you automatically fall into my utmost-and-highest-respect category. The patience and endurance to hand quilt something is just levels far, far above anything that I can fathom!
Flipping the story just a bit, some time ago, when my mini mini phase was all you saw around here, Tracy, had left a comment on one of my posts that she just might get sucked into all the craziness. So, I naturally asked her if she wanted to swap with me too. After she gave me a long list of all the reasons that she shouldn't, she spontaneously decided to jump and take the plunge too as I had.
Like only husband's can, it would seem that both of ours poked fun at us because of the...
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
The Penny Quilt Project
When I had first shared my Scrappy Windmill quilt finish it was perhaps not expected that it would be such an emotional post. The story behind it, if you have not read it, is a beautiful one of a long time desire coming to pass. Even though I was only the giver of the quilt, it was still totally emotionally satisfying to touch others lives with something that I had made.
For a long time, I have been asking myself, why am I sewing?... what is my purpose? While the idea of growing my blog to generate income is a nice thought, the reality of it is that I'm not sure that I can keep up with the constant posting, emailing, and all the social media that is demanded of a full time blogger. Of course...
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Facing East Quilt Top FINISH!
Take a really deep breath in, and then breathe out... wheh! Yup, that pretty much sums it up how I feel right now. I've been living in surreal land the last several days, and I have to keep asking my husband, my children, and just about anyone I can find to pinch me because I just can't believe it myself... after having started a little over a year, I finally finished my Facing East quilt top! Somehow the first steps just seemed to drag on for forever, leaving me with the feeling that I would finish this sometime around my 80th year of life, and then bam!... all of a sudden it came together faster than I had realized! Would you believe that this was originally planned to be one or two blocks......
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
In The Home Stretch!
I remember when I was pregnant with my first son, there was a whirlwind of emotions that had to be sorted out, but it only happened in little steps all along the way. On one hand forty weeks felt like an eternity, but on the other hand it felt like it was in the blink of an eye. Gradually, day by day, each uncertainty, worry, hesitation, decision, attitude change, or even roller coaster feeling had to be worked through as the time got closer... but yet once the time was there, baby was coming ready or not! Perhaps you might find it a little strange to compare my working on my biggest and most monumental quilt ever to that of a pregnancy, but oddly enough, it's kind of how it feels.
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