It's the first day of the Purdy Bird QAL, and I'm thrilled to finally get started quilting with you! This week is prep week, and it's simply about getting started, gathering needed supplies, and fabric selection planning. So, perhaps the best place for us to start out is talking about one of my favorite topics - COLOR! Since choosing fabrics might be an area where some quilters struggle, I thought that it might be useful to have a little inspiration to help you with fabric selection for the QAL. First, let's look at a couple options
with the original Basic Grey grunge color as listed in the pattern, but with changes to the background color. When I am making quilts, I often tend towards...
Monday, August 31, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Quilt-A-Long Forum!
The beauty of the online world today is that easier than ever to get in touch with like-minded people who share the same interests as you do, and let's be honest, we are all here with one thing in mind, right? – quilting! So, I decided that a Purdy Bird Quilt-A-Long Forum on my website might be helpful as a way for quilters to support each other and to have a productive place to learn through positive discussions, exchange of ideas, sharing of techniques & relevant quilting knowledge, in a way that is also respectful to other members. By the way, the QAL starts August 31st - have you signed up for the newsletter yet?Currently, there are two QAL categories – one in ENGLISH and one in GERMAN,...
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Gifting Quilts + Washing Instructions Free Download
I've been sewing for what feels like my whole life, but only seriously quilting for the last five. In spite of the fact that I've added quite a number of finished quilts to my stacks since then, I've not added as much experience with gifting them. Not because I'm stingy with my quilts, but because giving a quilt is something that is very special for me.Recently we were able to celebrate my oldest niece's confirmation. In Germany, it is a common tradition that once a young adult reaches a certain age, they go through a year-long training to study their religious beliefs and are "confirmed" as a profession of their faith before joining a local congregation. It's a very big family celebration here.Since...
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